Sarah is possessed...

She chewed that guy good.


Yeah what was that all about. Her taking her face off?!! Like wtf!!!!

Maybe that was actually Sarah's doppelganger?




Didn't Laura do the same in one of the earlier episodes? Right before she was ejected from the Black Lodge.


Yes she did!


I saw a comment that actually Sarah was in the kitchen when Hawk visited and the doppelganger answered the door. :/


That guy was a prick so im glad sarah ate off his face but... im not really into how sci-fi that got. Im hoping lynch keeps it "spiritual" rather than scientific.


I agree with the sci-fi element but the smiling mouth under the face of Sarah was creepy.


Indeed. That whole scene was super creepy. It's awesome you can actually feel the evil drifting back into twin peaks, do you know what i mean?


Yup I know what you mean. I like my Twin Peaks to be evil, but also fun.


And let's not forget it seems like Evil Coop is on his way there too.

I just hope that all this is to open the gateway for the 'mother of evil' to make an appearance in Twin Peaks. Or rather should I say, I do hope it's heading that way. lol


Isn't she already around? If not, who came through the box and killed the couple?


Yeah could have been the mother, but didn't she just zap back into the box and disappear? Well at least that's what we were left to assume imo.


Don't remember her going back in the box and don't see why she would return when she could have fun on earth/in this dimension.


I agree the guy was a prick and deserved what he got. He kind of gave off serial killer or rapist vibes.


The guy was a HUGE asshole, but he didn't deserve to be brutally murdered. Nope. Get real.


Well what DID he deserve then? I'm sure he would have murdered her if he got the chance. The guy was a psycho.


If you think that someone who says insulting things to you should be murdered on site then you're some kind of sociopath.

He was an enormous asshole with a bruised ego. If he didn't get away from Palmer at her next admonition to "leave me alone," she could walk away and/or raise her voice and tell one of the many people around in that public space.

Serial killer? You're sure he would have murdered her? Wow, delusions.


I'll have to rewatch but I'm sure he was saying some psycho stuff to her. Yeah, he gave off that 'serial killer' kind of vibe. At least to me he did. Of course, you probably would have invited him for a drink, now wouldn't ya.


No, I would have said FU to him. If I was feeling brave, I'd have stood my ground after saying it (knowing that he might try to escalate) and if I was feeling more timid, I'd have moved away, knowing that he "won," but also knowing that I did the right thing to stay safe. Common sense.


Hey you've got some brains in you! Congratulations! I think I would have did the same.


I agree, Bobby. He deserved to get his ass kicked, not his throat torn out.

