I want a season 4

I hope that somehow, someway we get another season after this, but I doubt it.


I would love it, but as you say I doubt it. It seems to me that Lynch is putting everything including the kitchen sink into this season. I sort of think he'll be done with it after the season ends. I hope I'm wrong.


"Fruitcake anyone?"


I won't know what to do with myself when it is over.


We'll have to find something else to do.


"He's dead."


I guess.


Have you watched any of "Will" on TNT? It's about Shakespeare. I've watch episodes one and two. It's not great,
but it's not bad. Other than that, we may have to wait until the Fall.


"He's dead."


I want to watch Legion, but it isn't available right now on FX. I guess I will have to wait until they put it back on Ondemand.


I can hardly wait for season two of Legion!


"He's dead."


I still need to see season one. I hope it comes on FX ondemand or FX online soon.


Or you could purchase the box set (as I did since I had not watched them when they originally aired) which has all of season one and two. And each episode is preceded by an introduction from the Log Lady.


"He's dead."


No I was talking about Legion. I haven't seen any of it yet, but I want to. I have seen Twin Peaks(the original) several times.


Oh okay. You can get Legion Season One from Netflix.



Cool...thanks. I know what I will be watching tonight.


You're welcome, and happy watching!



Legion is awesome! It's one of my favourite shows EVER so far.


I'd be fine if this was it. The revival has been nothing but a bit of a mixed bag. Some people hate it, others love it. Personally, I'm glad we received some sort of a resolve instead of a cliffhanger. Twenty-five years is a bit of a long wait. Plus, you have to figure that some of the cast has passed away during and after production.

At least we were given three seasons and a movie.


You think it is a mixed bag, but your opinion might change(for better or worse) when the series is over. We will have to see.


Don't hate it. Just bored and disappointed. Loved Twin Peaks. Could not care less about David Lynch. My guess is that is a pretty popular opinion.


I don't know if it is a popular opinion or not. There are lots of people who love it from what I have seen. It is very unconventional television and may be a trailblazer once again. We will just have to see.


I wouldn't mind if it was condensed to no more than 10 episodes, which would mean cutting out pointless long scenes that don't go anywhere, precisely the scenes that Frost and Lynch seem to love.


Twin Peaks premiered to an audience of 506,000 viewers, not including viewers of encore broadcasts, nor on-demand and online viewings. Showtime had a record number of new subscribers prior to the premiere.

By Episode 3, the next episode following the two-episode premiere, viewership dropped to 195,000.

The series' second-highest rated episode was number 9, at 355,000 viewers.

The most recent, Episode 12, drew an audience of 240,000.

Draw your own conclusions.


Yeah well there's the proof that they are boring a large part of the audience.


It certainly looks like a big finale coming up. I don't think Diane ever visited Twin Peaks, but it looks like she won't be able to resist, plus she is deputized. I wonder if Cole will kidnap Dougie and bring him there. But he might have to bring Janey E. as well knowing her. :/ They should bring Audrey to see Dougie also. She might snap out of it also.

I suppose once they have Cooper back they could do a facsimile of what they did with Season 2, but it would be anticlimactic. Could you see Coop settling down with Audrey? Maybe.

But I bet Frost and Lynch will be done with the story like they say.


I have a funny feeling Cooper will end up looking after Sonny because Janey-E will die. Maybe Audrey can be his new step mom then, hey? lol


Everyone thinks that Janey-E will die, but you can't always predict what will happen on this show.


Maybe it's just wishful thinking. LOL.




That Vanity Fair article isn't very accurate in its title. Nevins just said that it isn't impossible and nothing has been discussed as of yet. Lynch said for many years that he wouldn't bring Twin Peaks back and now it is back, so I am still hopeful that it could happen still.


I hope you're not taking it personal, modica. I wasn't trying to make any particular points. I simply found a topical article and posted it.


Why would I take it personal? All I said was that the article had a deceptive title. I don't think that there will be a season 4, but you never know.


I just thought I sensed some annoyance that the article seemed contrary to your hope for another season. I have mixed feelings about the idea of further seasons myself. To end it here just seems appropriate to me in ways I couldn't articulate, but then of course I'd love another return to the "world" at the same time.


I know exactly what you mean.


David Lynch said he had no plans for another season but wouldn't rule another one out if there was enough support and interest for one.

Hopefully the haters will forgive Dougie enough to want another season full of Cooper (depending on how this season ends).


Lynch is not a dumb man. He knows that as long as there's hope for another season, tp fans will rally for one.


I really hope there is another season. I don't want it too end yet.


If you're a true fan (and i can tell you are) you never want it to end really.


True fan!

I do think it should end at some point... just not yet.


I had to go through this show getting cancelled the first time around. I don't think i could handle it again. I say let hope live. Twin peaks has always been a live entity.


Season 4 just won't be the same without Albert though. :(


Just like season 3 isn't the same without B.O.B. and the man from another place. It's still awesome.


Technically we do have the man from another place, it's just that he's a tree now.


A tree with a bit of chewing gum on it's head.


....so cheap to cast!


Six episodes to go and Cooper has still not mentally returned. In the very beginning the Giant told him "remember 430" and "remember Richard and Linda".

How can Cooper remember those things if he can't even remember himself? Giant should've told him "remember Cooper". Does he have time to tackle 430, Richard and Linda (who hasn't even appeared yet) with only 6 episodes left? No, if Lynch keeps giving unimportant characters five minutes to leave the room and keeps insisting on long silences among the characters. I think either Cooper will come back to his senses very soon, or we'll have a fourth season to give Cooper enough time to deal with puzzles that Giant told him.


A lot can happen in sex episodes. Episode 14 is going to really push the plot along, with some surprises. I do expect Cooper to return soon.....and imo in the last episode maybe the character who makes THE BIG RETURN will probably be Laura Palmer. Maybe like an Angel she will come down to Twin Peaks to help some characrters (maybe Becky) and then she'll finally make it to the White Room. I guess that's what I would love to happen. LOL

In anycase I'm sure I read somewhere that the FINALE of the whole series has already been filmed, so it's up to Lynch and Frost to edit it into two seasons or condense it to one. They could always change their minds and develop new scripts though, so you never know.


Can you believe that they aired the wrong (14th instead of 13th) episode by mistake in Germany? lol

I couldn't resist checking if Cooper will come back to his senses and [spoiler]still no. In fact, people who saw it say that Cooper isn't even in the episode.[/spoiler]


I keep saying that Cooper won't come back until the last scene of the final episode. It will piss lots of people off if it happens this way.


That's probably what will happen, and I don't care. Coop is boring/ passΓ©. It's Bobby's time to shine.


Count me in as one of those who will be mad as hell. lol

But seriously, Lynch has no guarantees that network will finance the 4th season. If he's smart, he's gonna wrap the things up in third season, just in case. How is he gonna do that if he doesn't leave Cooper enough time to investigate about 430, Richard and Linda? Lynch better not leave us with a cliffhanger, and then 4th season never materializes. Then I'll be really mad.


I had a thought the other night that 430 may mean that Full Cooper will reappear halfway through episode 16 (I was tired at the time though lol)!


This sounds like a serious numerology lol.

Is it like the clock, 4:30 is the same time as 16:30 which means the middle of 16th episode, or did you use some other method?

But hey, it wouldn't be bad. That would mean that we'd be watching a normal Cooper for at least two 1/2 episodes. I can live with that.


1630, so halfway through the 16th episode.

He may bring him back at the last moment though, like he brought in Bad Cooper at the end of Season 2 (in order for people to want a season 3). It would not surprise me if that happened, but then again, we are talking Lynch here...


No Cooper isn't in the episode, but there will be a whole lot of stuff happening to make it interesting and that will pave the way for his reappearance. Let's just say there is going to be a big revelation.
