-I'm an old fan and found Episode 8 quite intriguing. Agent Cooper seemed to be the main character. At the start he knew there was more to the murder than just a random serial killer, judging by his experiences with Windom Earle, the appearance of Phillip Jeffries, and the disappearance of Agent Desmond. And of course it's a 'blue rose case'. So Lynch is concentrating on Cooper's story. And since Cooper was in The Black Lodge I'm guessing Lynch needs to explain that a bit more.
-I think this Dougie character is actually Cooper with amnesia, maybe from shock. He apparently got out of the Black Lodge and left Twin Peaks out of fear maybe. He must have been cogent enough to find work and settle down with a wife and child. And he seems to be in relapse here. But he is having visions of The Red Room and The Arm, 'don't die'. And he instinctively disarmed the hit man, so he seems to be recovering from that. My guess is when he sees Diane, Agent Cole and Albert he will fully recover. Dougie's wife will be quite surprised.
-I've never heard an idea about the A Bomb opening a connection between other dimensions. It seems this is the origin of The Black Lodge. And the giant is some sort of angelic figure who combats it. It sure looks like that to me. I also thought the glass box in NYC was some sort of portal to this other dimension.
-These 'woodsmen' seem to be some sort of demons. There were two in the jail with Mr. C, maybe to protect him. They sure revived him after getting shot. In lore demons are fallen angels so it might account for the prosaic language.
-I thought it was odd that Deputy Hawk was shown approaching Glasonbury Grove at one time and then suddenly finding the diary pages in the washroom.
-I wonder if the Horne brothers and Dr. Jacoby will have run ins with the woodsmen? I think Richard Horne might also. As will Sarah Palmer.
-I'm anxious to see Audrey. Back in the day I thought she might take over Ben's business.
-I think this Dougie character is actually Cooper with amnesia, maybe from shock. He apparently got out of the Black Lodge and left Twin Peaks out of fear maybe. He must have been cogent enough to find work and settle down with a wife and child. And he seems to be in relapse here. But he is having visions of The Red Room and The Arm, 'don't die'. And he instinctively disarmed the hit man, so he seems to be recovering from that. My guess is when he sees Diane, Agent Cole and Albert he will fully recover. Dougie's wife will be quite surprised.
I had a similar thought. I think amnesiac Cooper will eventually fall under the notice of Gordon and Albert, there'll be a similar sequence where they have to track down Diane, Diane will meet with amnesiac Cooper, and she'll have an opposite reaction to her meeting with evil Cooper, that being she'll surmise that it is actually Cooper in there somehow.
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Thanks Kazak and Popcorn Kernel ; I anxious to hear more from Diane. She's ambivalent about Cooper, Cole and Albert. It looks like she's retired or semi retired anyway. Can you imagine what her and Cooper are going to say to one another?
I'm anxious to see Audrey also. Imagine what her and Ben are going to get into. They have to find Jerry for starters. Good Lord! And it looks like Ben has to investigate one of the hotel rooms. The one Cooper was in?
Andy's looking for the truck. I wonder if Hawk will go to Glastonbury Grove again. He better be careful.
"I think this Dougie character is actually Cooper with amnesia, maybe from shock. He apparently got out of the Black Lodge and left Twin Peaks out of fear maybe. He must have been cogent enough to find work and settle down with a wife and child. And he seems to be in relapse here. "
If you think Dougie was Cooper all along, but just with amnesia, then how would you explain the sudden weight loss and hairstyle change in Dougie's body after good Cooper left the lodge? How did Dougie suddenly switch to a black suit when the hooker was in the bathroom?
It's pretty clear that Dougie had his own separate body that was married with a child, meanwhile good Cooper's body AND mind were in the black lodge. They traded places and it showed Dougie's body shrinking down to a golden pearl. Cooper's mind is not in Dougie's body. Cooper's mind is in Cooper's body but he is in Dougie's life.
True but he must have been manufactured some years ago, he has a son who is around 10 or 11 and he's been married at least that long.
I meant he existed before the moment of the switch.
I have 'The Return' recorded and I am reviewing it. I notice that Dougie has a hotel room key he found in his jacket. Interested to find out where it is from? - I think the fellow is quite in shock, with minimal cognizance. - Apparently he took another fellow's place? Or maybe Cooper is possessing his earthly doppelganger? I sure hope it is explained soon. I imagine Cole and co. will find everything out.
So I reviewed The Return again. I noticed the hooker Jade got the hotel room key from Dougie and mailed it, to The Great Northern Hotel of course. And Ben noted the room was Cooper's. Not sure how I missed it the first time. I guess the Dougie story is a bit trying for me, though it is funny. He sure took care of the diminutive hit man though! - The ringing noise in the hotel is curious. - I wondered if you really mailed a hotel room key if it would actually make it there? I'd guess a 30% chance. - I'm sure hoping to see Audrey at the hotel at least.
Here are my thoughts after re-watching the supernatural parts of the first two seasons, FWWM and this season.
1 - it seems to me that it is clear that the Indians knew of the existence of the White Lodge and Black Lodge. That the owls "are not what they seem" and in the second season, the appearance of the Giant and Man from another Place to Cooper is in consonance with the depiction of the Giant and midget drawn on the map that Earl gets to find the Black Lodge. So it's safe to assume that these characters predate any event in the 20th century. The Lodges are by themselves an integral part of existence in this world and represent the space where the Spirits dwell.
2 - The Nuclear testing can either be taken symbolically or as a matter of fact.
Symbolically it's Pure violence ["Fire Walk with me"; "I have the fury of my own momentum"; etc] and represents destructiveness and chaos. In other words, it represents the Black Lodge and it's inhabitants [specially Bob]
As a matter of a fact, it seems there is some correlation between the Nuclear testing and Thelema according to "the Secret Story of Twin Peaks" book [which describes the involvement of 3 historically key figures in this sort of cult, that sought out to bring Babalon [the Mother] into this world [and we do see glimpses of this in this season in various fashions: the transparent Box, Babalon spewing Bob and the eggs, the woman on the Non-Existant place telling Cooper that "her mother is coming"]. In fact there are quite a few nods to motherhood throughout the season [Dougies wife taking care of him like a mother, the drug addict who doesn't seem to care for her son; etc]
Bottom line, the Nuclear testing did bring forth the Evil Entity known as Bob as spewed by Babalon [the monster Mother figure]. It's not by chance that Panderecky's music is playing during the explosion and we get to see lots of "static" like swarms of flies inside of it. It represents confusion and chaos. [cont]
[cont.] Those "things" flying around are the spirits we later see acting chaotically in the Convenience Store as they come into this world [but only those in specific; the other Spirits from the Lodges have always been here].
3 - It seems to me also quite clear that the Doppelgangers have a plan of escaping permanently from the confines of the Black Lodges. Evil Coop [IMHO] is working with Jeffries Doppelganger [remember that Jeffries was in the meeting above the Convenience Store, appeared as like magic at the FBI and disappeared again. In an extended version of that scene from FWWM he reappears back in the hotel and disappears in pain. That to me says he was taken to the Black Lodge; which leads to the conclusion that the "Jeffries" Evil Coop thought was talking on that FBI gizmo would be Jeffrie's Doppelganger - but he himself says "who is this" meaning that he didn't recognize the man as being J's Doppelganger [and I'll come back to this tidbit]]. Another evidence for this is that the Giant tells Cooper he can not leave until his Doppelganger returns. Then we see a Laura Palmer's "Doppelganger" telling him he can leave [which he can not] and then we see The Arm's Doppelganger banishing Cooper to Non-Existence.
So it's clear the Doppelgangers have a plan that involves changing the originals for themselves in the real world to escape their confinement [as we see with Dougie]
4 - The interesting thing about that "who is this" moment when Evil Coop realizes he is not talking to Jeffries Doppelganger is that it leaves the possibility of him talking to either the "real" Jeffries or to other character that knows what is going on with the Doppelgangers. And those characters have to have knowledge of the Blue Rose cases [which are directly connected to the Nuclear testing and Thelema events]. In my opinion it has to be someone in the FBI [either Duchovny's character, the new female character or possibly even Chris Isaak/Desmond or Sutherlands character]
5 - The Giant figure is as we know a representative of the White Lodge; Miss Dido also is a mother figure of sorts. And to respond to the Bob/Babalon threat they sent Laura Palmer as a figure of pure innocence in juxtaposition to Bob's pure Evil.
6 - the Woodsmen seem to be operating directly from Babalon in favor of Bob. The Bug Rabit that the girl swallowed seems to me either the genesis of any evil character that is important to the Lodges. Maybe even that is the way the "manufacturing" of false people such as Dougie happens that allows the Doppegangers to co-exist in the real world.
There are two things that I would also like to point out:
a - in the conversation via that FBI gadget the person on the other side [presumably Jeffries] says "You're still in Buckhorn" to which Evil Coop replies "and you are still nowhere" which can either mean that Evil Coop doesn't know where the voice is OR that he is talking from NOWHERE [wherever Jeffries disappeared to]
b - Evil Coop wants to find the figure in the playing Card he possesses. If you take a look at Babalon/Mother, she looks like the figure [bald with 2 small "horns"]. She also has reversed hands [as in her arms "bend back"]. I'm starting to think that Evil Coop needed Bob inside of him to get access to Babalon [and he also built that Box to imprison her; which clearly didn't work].