Not really. Its a bad sign if its taken 20 years just to make a 2nd or 3rd season. Honestly the first one was sortof convoluted and was going all over the place by the last 2 or 3 episodes...
I liked it but no...I have extremely low expectations on this and I think I read that Lynch wouldn't even be directing it because something about the network wanting to take too much control so it might be some generic poorly done spinoff type thing rather than some great lynchian work. So..don't get your hopes up.
Yeah, I can't wait for the new season. It's such a shame they waited so damn long though, with most of the older cast now looking like BOTOX FREAKS, and that's something that I hate most when watching a film or series, all the botox in the expressionless bat looking faces.
I wonder if Heather Graham won't be making a secret appearance as Annie.
I'm excited that Naomi Watts has a small role. I wonder if she's playing Dianne, Cooper's secretary, or if Laura Dern will play her.
I just hope the new season has a darker edge to it, and it's more like Fire Walk with Me.
S2 has plenty to offer before Laura Palmer's murderer is revealed. Good luck though weathering TP post-LP. I'm a TP devotee no doubt and I usually just ignore everything post-LP, excepting, that is, the series finale (the weirdness on display there will blow your mind).
One thing that I think is probably a mistake is making S2 so damn long.
S1 is only what . . . like 10 episodes? And S2 is like 22? If S2 had been shorter they probably would've been more successful and telling a tight, focused story.
But then Season 2, the studio wigs stuck their stinking heads and ruined it. You did get great bits here and there, but them uncovering who the killer was half way though the season did terminal damage to Twin Peaks and the loyal audience left in droves. However, do stick with it, as it's not all just about the 'killer'. There's more to it than that. Oh and then when you finish watching S1 and 2, be sure to watch the film 'Fire Walk with Me', which is my favourite Twin Peaks 'film/tv' of all, and is actually a pre-qual to Season 1. Lynch had total control of the film, and it's much darker and more haunting imo. Hopefully the new season will be like that as it seems this time the studio wigs are letting Lynch have free reign. Hooray.
Well I'm definitely in the those who loved it camp! LOL
The reason I loved it was because during Season 1 and 2 you hear a lot about Laura Palmer, because each character has their take on her and on their last moments with her, and she does not come out as very likeable at times. But then you see Fire Walk With Me and you think 'poor Laura', you really feel for her and her situation. PLUS you get to see exactly what happened, how she dies. The film turns very dark towards the end, yet there is something haunting and beautiful about it her very last moments.
Whenever you do see it, do come back and let us know what you thought about it. π
S3 in the vein of "Fire Walk With Me" would be the bomb. That movie, which was thoroughly reviled upon its initial release (yours truly was among those bad-mouthing it in 1992), has only gotten better with the passing years. Without the studio's interference there's nothing keeping Lynch from being faithful to his vision even if that means S3 polarizes much like "Fire Walk With Me" back in the early nineties.
I agree! It gets better and better. It is very reassuring that the original creators of TP (Lynch and Frost) are both on board and I trust they will give the series a great send off.
So few police procedurals actually show the story from the victim's perspective -- at least not in the heart-rending way they do here. After watching "Fire Walk With Me" it's hard to view the TV show in quite the same way again; it actually furnishes the original series with dimensions totally absent before. There's not a whole hell of a lot of big-screen continuations of beloved TV properties you can say that about.
Yes and that's what I loved about it to have the perspective of the victim, tracing her last hours. Maybe other shows have done that, but certainly lacked the poetic touch of Lynch.
As much as I like shows like Columbo or Monk they're rather offensive in how they push the victim to the background and favor instead the sleuth's eccentric ways. I mean I get a kick out of Columbo saying "Oh, just one more thing ..." as much as the next person -- but does it have to come at the expense of deepening the victim's plight in any meaningful way?
"S3 in the vein of "Fire Walk With Me" would be the bomb. That movie, which was thoroughly reviled upon its initial release (yours truly was among those bad-mouthing it in 1992), has only gotten better with the passing years."
I agree--FWWM holds up much better today than the original series does, which can feel dated at times nowadays (especially with some of the inane and pointless sub-plots). I think the approach to the tone and storytelling in FWWM is how Lynch would have ideally liked the tone of the entire series to be, but unfortunately he had to rein himself in and couldn't tackle the story without worrying of whether it would pass network approval and/or censorship standards.
I just say Thank God for the rise of mature TV series as seen today on stations like HBO, Showtime, and the rest, where there can be no restrictions at all for an artist of Lynch's stature if he concedes to work in the medium of home television again. It's my projection that TP version 3.0 is going to better than both the OS and FWWM combined!
Lynch seems to like to go 'darker' than Mark Frost does,as FWWM was entirely Lynch's creation (with another co writer) and Frost did not take part in it. I only recently found out and always thought Frost had taken part, but apparently he did not. If that is so, I suspect the new TP might not be as dark as we would like it to be, though we'll have to wait and see. Hopefully SE3 will be better than the Show and the film, like you predict. They have no excuses now, no big executive wigs sticking their noses.....
Oh and I agree with you, thank God for the rise of mature TV series! Some really great quality shows around and viewers are now really spoilt for choice.
I think Frost brought "Hill Street Blues"- police procedural while Lynch brought the surrealism. Since I couldn't get beyond the first couple of episodes of "Hill Street Blues" I much more looking forward to Lynch's contributions.
I actually quite enjoyed HSB and grew very fond of the characters. But yeah, that dark, eery, and surrealist quality you find in Twin Peaks, together with the darker humour, is all down to Lynch.
I need to give HSB another chance. We certainly wouldn't be enjoying the glut of mature television today without it. I'd also like to take in another trend-setter from that period, St. Elsewhere, but finding the complete series anywhere is not an easy task.
Mark Frost is certainly gifted as his scripts for "Twin Peaks" early on demonstrate. He and Lynch working in tandem gave us one of television's most unique mysteries and for that I am eternally grateful.
The surrealism is why I sought "Twin Peaks" out in the first place. It took me getting used to the fact during my initial journey through the show that it's not all that. Personally, though, I wouldn't mind if it was. I'd be tickled if Lynch was audacious enough to set most of Season Three in the Black Lodge.
The ending of St. Elsewhere would have tickled the likes of Lynch and Serling (it's the only part of the series I'm familiar with since along with "Newhart" it always makes the lists of the strangest series finales ever).
Oh, what did you think of FWWM? The film helps you understand what a tragic life Laura Palmer led, doesn't it?
I'm curious to see Sheryl Lee in Season 3. She played Laura Palmer and her look alike cousin, and both were killed, so who will she be in Season 3? Will she, as Laura, just be stuck in the Red Room?
She was a beautiful woman with cloudy eyes. Only Lynch could turn that into something scary enough to make Clive Barker's output look like The Berenstain Bears.
Thank you! You're the first person ive heard say "it's not all about the killer". I mean, people can take what they want from the show but those focusing on BOB and the lodges imo are missing the little things that made it a cult hit in the first place.