Question for Christians

I apologise in advance, this will probably be a headache to read because I'm writing this from my phone.

Question: Is it fair to say we no longer need to actively spread the word of God? Yes, I know the bible is clear about it. But in this age, time, and place is it still needed? Thanks to the disciples, James, and Paul, Christianity is one of the main religions in the world. The bible is one of the best selling books in history; it's been translated into 100s of languages. We have churches everywhere and televised sermons. we also have films and t.v. programs like this. Not to mention, the groups of indigenous people forced into Christianity by the Catholics. And the crusades done by the Catholics...

What I'm trying to say is, for the average Christian, everyone in their community already has access to the bible. Unless we're all to travel to remote parts of the world, there is not much for us to do.

Why do I think this question is important? Because I am tired of seeing tactless attempts of converting. Please leave that to members of the church, and instead try to inspire people through your actions and counsel, to find God themselves. And I also can't stand seeing insufficiently equipped believers trying to take on troll Atheists who have nothing better to do than to spend their time arguing over something they supposedly don't believe in (how many people do you know argue over the idea that big foot/the lochness monster/aliens don't exist? None. Because why waste your time over something you have no emotional investment in?). I say they're insufficiently equipped because a lot of Christians don't actually read the bible. For the ones that do, most don't understand half of what they're reading. When bible verses are thrown at you out of context, if you don't know the proper context yourself, how can you properly defend it? That's why study bibles are important, so you can examine the context of the scripture and the reasoning behind certain phrasing. There's also the question of why defend the bible at all to someone you know in your heart you can't change, especially someone over the internet.

So really, what is the point of trying to spread something others already have access to? All we get from it now are complaints of shoving religion in others' faces on top of accusations of intolerance (hate the sin, not the sinner you guys).



Is it fair to say we no longer need to actively spread the word of God?

We need to BE Jesus in the world, by living as He told us to.

There is no better witness than actions, instead of words.


A lot of people have access to the Bible and everything, but maybe they still don't believe in it. If other persons are really enthousiastic about the Bible, or if they can for example tell how God has helped them in their life, I think there is more chance people want to believe in the Bible. :)
