Question for Christians

I apologise in advance, this will probably be a headache to read because I'm writing this from my phone.

Question: Is it fair to say we no longer need to actively spread the word of God? Yes, I know the bible is clear about it. But in this age, time, and place is it still needed? Thanks to the disciples, James, and Paul, Christianity is one of the main religions in the world. The bible is one of the best selling books in history; it's been translated into 100s of languages. We have churches everywhere and televised sermons. we also have films and t.v. programs like this. Not to mention, the groups of indigenous people forced into Christianity by the Catholics. And the crusades done by the Catholics...

What I'm trying to say is, for the average Christian, everyone in their community already has access to the bible. Unless we're all to travel to remote parts of the world, there is not much for us to do.

Why do I think this question is important? Because I am tired of seeing tactless attempts of converting. Please leave that to members of the church, and instead try to inspire people through your actions and counsel, to find God themselves. And I also can't stand seeing insufficiently equipped believers trying to take on troll Atheists who have nothing better to do than to spend their time arguing over something they supposedly don't believe in (how many people do you know argue over the idea that big foot/the lochness monster/aliens don't exist? None. Because why waste your time over something you have no emotional investment in?). I say they're insufficiently equipped because a lot of Christians don't actually read the bible. For the ones that do, most don't understand half of what they're reading. When bible verses are thrown at you out of context, if you don't know the proper context yourself, how can you properly defend it? That's why study bibles are important, so you can examine the context of the scripture and the reasoning behind certain phrasing. There's also the question of why defend the bible at all to someone you know in your heart you can't change, especially someone over the internet.

So really, what is the point of trying to spread something others already have access to? All we get from it now are complaints of shoving religion in others' faces on top of accusations of intolerance (hate the sin, not the sinner you guys).


The point of "A.D." is to tell the story of the apostles after Christ's crucifixion, and the building of the early church. I personally have never seen this particular story done before, and I'm glad that they're doing it.

I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP! - Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood



If so, who cares? 100% of what you see on most scripted TV shows is fake and that's never stopped anybody from enjoying them.


Yes, some things were false. Amazingly enough, the dark clouds and earthquake were real. So was Pilot's wife's dream. However, they tried to make Pilot have more of a hand in the events after the crucifixion. He was merely trying to appease the priests, he had no emotional attachment (positive or negative) to Jesus' claims. They also made some of the high priests sympathetic to Jesus. They were not. I'm guessing it was probably an attempt to not vilify Jewish people, which I actually respect. There is already religious tension and going the Mel Gibson PotC route would cause more harm than good.


I am glad too. I guess I wasn't clear enough, I was talking about Christian individuals actively and personally going about trying to spread Christianity on their own. I think the bible, Christian television, biblical shows (such as this one) and the internet are sufficient enough resources in this day and age.


I'm a Christian and wholeheartedly agree that people who go out and try to save people whether they want to be saved or not do more harm than good. It's my belief that unless a person has an interest, they don't want to hear it, and pushing it on them just pushes them away. I personally think its better to promote Christianity through actions rather than lecturing.

But I'd like to comment on your original post, and your use the phrase "shoving religion down people's throats" (or something to that effect.) That's really an over used, and often exaggerated, term. Depict a family in a movie or TV show say grace before dinner and SOMEBODY will rant and rave about having religion shoved down their throat. And its not just religion. I'm sure you've been on IMDB long enough to see many people complaining about all kinds of things being "shoved down their throats." LOL


I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. In no way do I want to appease Christian bashers, but at the same time I don't want to give some of those outspoken imbeciles ammunition for their anti-religion tirades.

When I said "complaints of shoving religion in their faces" I was referring to the reactions of other people. I think they're right maybe 5% of the time, at most. And you're right, I've heard that phrase being overused in all kinds of ways concerning issues like sexism, racism, homosexuality, mental illness, tolerance, vaccines, health care, etc. It'd be a lot better if people were just honest and said they didn't like those issues being addressed in the media because it makes them feel uncomfortable.


Well said.


There is a difference between those who "thump their bible" vs those of us who just live it. I think standing on a street corner thumping a bible is old anointing, it was effective then, but not anymore.

It is those of us who live it, we who have or are coming out of, or have had unresolved issues that affected us in adverse ways. It is our faith in God, obscure scriptures, or a prophetic word from someone that helped change bad behaviors, self-loathing, or something of that sort. Becoming a Christian is not it, it's living life without being driven by "things" the world pumps out telling us we need to be the best of the best.

Living in peace while the world rages on, being nice and saying thank you, being patient and kind...(unlike the lady in front of me who called the McDonald's window clerk a bitch). That, is what being a Christian is about, stop being inhuman to just begins with how I 'choose' to react, respond,
(btw..I apologized to that window clerk for that other person's bad behavior) There's a big difference between religion and being a believer. Religion puts people in bondage, faith sets people free.


I'm not a Christian but I don't see this show as trying to shove religion in our face. It's an attempt (and so far a decent one) to bring an interesting story to the screen. Whether that story happens to be true or false doesn't make it any more or less interesting for the purposes of television. Sure, believers will get something extra out of it but I see no reason why non-believers can't enjoy it as they would any other scripted show on TV.


I have no problem with the show. I just used it as an example of why Christians don't need to take it upon themselves to preach to anyone who's not interested. To clarify, I'm talking about one-on-one conversations.


It's needed until the end of time


The end won't come until everyone in the world has had a chance to hear the Truth, at least once in his or her lifetime.

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." Matthew 24:14.

We are indeed very close. With the Internet now in maturity stages and instant global communication 24/7/365 virtually everywhere, there really are not many left who haven't heard the word at least once, that said a single soul is every bit as precious to God as a hundred thousand.



The end won't come until everyone in the world has had a chance to hear the Truth, at least once in his or her lifetime.

Uhh...I'm not quite ready to go yet. Maybe if the proselytizers cool it for a while the "word" won't reach everyone and we can go on with our business and not be worrying about the afterlife coming after dinner. If this is really the case then the proselytizers are suicidal and should be locked up to save humanity.

My favorite: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb


But does the average Christian have access to people who have never heard of Christianity? If we don't, why must we still take it upon ourselves to preach to those who choose not to believe? Only the grace of God can unharden a heart.

As for that prophecy, It may have already come to pass. The word has spread to all "nations". With recent events, some people believe the times spoken of in Revelations is already upon us.


I'm a Christian, & I like to talk about my Savior because He lived me so much He took this for my sin! I want everyone to come to know His love & peace. I know not everyone will. That saddens me. I cannot force anyone to believe, & neither did He. He did not have to do this, but He did it for me & you. True, nearly everyone has access to this Bible & the facts, but a head-knowledge is not the same as a personal, soul-changing relationship. We tell because we can't help but share :)



The end won't come until everyone in the world has a chance to hear the truth,at least once in his or her lifetime.

They may hear the truth but millions won't believe it's
the truth.

What's the use of preaching the truth if people don't
believe it?

Remember when almost nobody believed the earth was round?

The fact is that religions who say they have the truth often
change their minds about their own interpretation of the Bible.

What was the truth a hundred years ago might not be
their truth today.

So in a way,they were preaching a lie for a hundred years until
they discovered it wasn't the truth.

And if they were wrong about a thing for a hundred years
(apparently God was too busy to correct them on day one)
how can you trust anything they're saying today?


"The end won't come until everyone in the world has a chance to hear the truth,at least once in his or her lifetime."

Well people have died without ever having heard of your religion, Aboriginals for example, and Eskimos.
So I take it the end won't come then?

"They may hear the truth but millions won't believe it's the truth. "
How would you expect people to believe in something like a leprechaun with good pot on a candy covered planet that you can only visit when you travel through a rainbow?
One would need evidence for such claims, right?
Same goes for any religion.

What's the use of preaching the truth if people don't believe it? "
Exactly. Pretty ineffective when people need scientifically demonstrable evidence to accept anything as a fact.

"Remember when almost nobody believed the earth was round?"
No one in our age remembers that because no one has witnessed scientists to change that mindset.
If I recall correctly it's the Bible that implies the earth to be flat, found in Daniel 4:10-11, where it speaks of a tree that can be seen from the farthest places on earth.
Again in Matthew 4:8 which is paralleled with Luke 4:5, speaking of 'the devil' bringing 'Jesus' atop of a mountain from which he could see all the kingdoms of the world.
The book of Isaiah mentions this interesting and flat out wrong metaphor:

He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

First of all the atmosphere isn't at all in a triangular shape, it's all around the planet at the same height and in the same shape, spherical.
Circle isn't spherical either. When you look at an egg for example one doesn't immediately think "circle". One tends to think of the shape as a sphere, or even a ball, but not as a two dimensional platform.
The book mentions the earth to have four corners as well. Which firstly contradicts the circular shape the bible mentioned earlier, and secondly implies yet another false shape, a square or a rectangle.
Yet when we stand on the beach, the sun does not get swallowed by the seas just to resurrect the next morning, this is bronze age logic, hence the references in the bronze age books.

"The fact is that religions who say they have the truth often
change their minds about their own interpretation of the Bible. "
That's because the Bible has a couple hundred contradictions found within and sometimes even within the same page.
That's why it's such a popular book, anyone with ambition can manipulate others around them by quote mining and cherry picking the verses needed for whatever purpose.

"What was the truth a hundred years ago might not be their truth today.
Truth isn't a philosophical debate, truth is what exists, truth is fact. And fact cannot be changed by words, it can merely be studied.

"So in a way,they were preaching a lie for a hundred years until they discovered it wasn't the truth.
You might be off with a couple centuries. We're past the 2000 year mark. Eratosthenes, a Greek Egyptian found out the true shape of the world in the third century BCE by using simple mathematical calculations.

"And if they were wrong about a thing for a hundred years
(apparently God was too busy to correct them on day one)
how can you trust anything they're saying today?"
We have come full circle to the start of the post, indeed one would need sufficient scientific evidence to prove their theory, through trial and error, before anyone will accept it as truth, let alone gain a universal consensus on their observations.


You speak sincere and well put. However, I used to reason with similar arguments years before until I found out that all those controversies can be cleared slowly and by examining the bigger picture, the writing style, the customs etc.
As for earth "flatness", Bible was never meant to be scientific book, those parts that you mention are poetry.
As for scientific fact, go and examine the case for Jesus' resurrection, the pros and contras, the historicity of the accounts... Dig deep, you might be surprised by the evidence.

Cool music


After the recent abominations of Exodus and Noah do we really need another biblical movie? At least this one hasn't been done before. But bear in mind that the Jesus story is just that, a story. The history is wrong, the geography is wrong, the genealogy is wrong and the books are contradictory. Miss translations abound. So whatever Hollywood does its no worse than what the First Council of Nicaea did in 325CE.



The books being contradictory is more likely evidence of actual events than if they'd sat down, cooked up a story, gotten all their details straight, and written up a fictional account from different perspectives. IE... eye witnesses' stories in court are never identical unless tampered with.


Its not "evidence" of anything. If stories are straight up contradictory someone is lying. Bad analogy and grasping at at straws.


I completely agree.
Furthermore, "The history is wrong, the geography is wrong, the genealogy is wrong"? Look up Luke's account (Luke and Acts) and compare all the details - up to the government function titles in several provinces - with the official history, it all matches and even reveal more.
Don't forget how the Apostles were portrayed in most situations: like cowards, like traitors (Peter), like confused incompetents (Jesus asks "how long do I have to bear you"), imagine conspirators writing about themselves that way. It's written objectively, with all the minuses (Jewish kings! Imagine nation's history almanac portraying its own kings as evil, losers or cowards...) and all the pluses.
No even remotely similar book as this one, written by over 40 men of all classes on 3 continents in a time span of over 1500 years.

Cool music


To answer your question in the most direct way, no, we don't NEED another Biblical movie. We don't NEED any more movies. But that being said, there does seem to be a market for the movies and as long as that remains the case, there will be more movies. Fortunately there is no law requiring people to watch movies of the current hot genre. I'm really glad of that or I would have truly hated the Twilight craze.


I agree. And I also get a kick out of people feeling religion is 'shoved down their throat'.

Why are people so weak? If someone gets obnoxious about their religion, walk away. I had a discussion with someone who likes to rip up the JW's literature in front of their face. What good does that do? Why is it necessary?

I liken it to if someone offered me a beer. I hate beer...the smell...the taste and in spite of my age people are still insistent that I never gave it enough of a chance. Hate it. So...say I'm at someone's house and they offer me a beer. I can say 'no thank you' or I can take the bottle out of their hand and smash it on the pavement and tell them to get the hell away from me and take their nasty smelling stuff out of my face.


The church I go to has main core values and one of them states:

"Excellent Environments-We aren't in the business of changing people. Rather, we embrace our role as creating a space where people can work out their stuff with Jesus."

There are many bible verses that talk about "spreading the word". I believe America has become immune to Christianity based off never really being introduced to it or scared off from Christianity and God in general due to issues in their life. I know (and once was) more atheists/agnostic people than I do Christians. I believe it's because many Christians don't put their arm around their friends and let them see, life is better with the Lord at my side and first in life.

It's a difficult road to hoe, shoving it in faces won't work but going from atheist/agnostic type beliefs for 20+ years and finally opening my mind and heart, I am glad family put an arm around my shoulder for many years rather than a door in my face or a kick in my back.

Having a bible and church down the corner isn't the same as having friends/family that help you re-connect without the in your face tactics both over the board Christians and over the top atheists use.


If someone has already mentioned what I'm going to write, I do apologize. And not in any particular order...

The Atheists. Their minds are pretty much made up, and they like nothing more than to irritate Christians, especially newer converts who haven't read and studied as much as a "mature" believer would have already done. It irritates me too, but the best thing that you can do is ignore it. It's not your fault, don't waste your time.

As far as studying... In this day and age, you have access to Scriptures in any format you wish. I have 3 different translations on my Nook Color, and instead of carrying my Bible to church, I slip my Nook in my purse and go. Please understand I've always been a geek/nerd, so bringing this bad boy Nook out gets a raised eyebrow or two, but it's my Bible for the time I need it to be.

You made a point for me! How about that... A true Christian who hasn't consumed "the Kool-Aid" will be reading and studying God's Word. There's no excuse for us not to. There are so many translations out there--get one that you think you'll be comfortable with. I don't know of ANYONE on this planet who still speaks in King James English. Seriously. Get a New King James translation, or something like I said that you will be comfortable with. CDs, DVDs can be played with Scripture. Read it as a book. Read it off your tablet or off your laptop. A wonderful site for downloading translations, maps, and all kinds of neat stuff is . You'll find all kinds of help there. Take what's free. Awesome, awesome things to download!

Now, as far what our responsibilities are... Jesus did say go into all the world and preach the good news. Well, trust me. We are not all called to stand behind a pulpit. Not all of us are called for missionary work in the Congo. Most evangelism is speaking to people one on one. Tell what God has done for you, how He has changed you and ask if they want to have what you do. We are even ministers for God when we're doing our grocery shopping. If people don't want to listen, don't waste your breath. You did all you can possibly do, and they are now no longer your responsibility. It's between them and God. On the other end of this spectrum, your religion should never, ever be used to say "If you don't do what I do, you're going to hell!" That will scare people off for good! :D If you're a true Christian, you will not rely on your "religion". You rely on your relationship with God. There's a big, big difference.

So anyway... I truly hope I didn't muddy any waters with my opinions! I wish you well, and if you want to send me a message, I'd be more than happy to keep the conversation going! May you be blessed!

"Star Trekkin' across the universe, boldly going forward 'cause we can't find reverse!"


If you're a true Christian, you will not rely on your "religion". You rely on your relationship with God. There's a big, big difference.

This is the whole deal. Thank you.



Why do I think this question is important? Because I am tired of seeing tactless attempts of converting. Please leave that to members of the church,

So really, what is the point of trying to spread something others already have access to?

Its our job

Mark 16:15
And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

That means forever …. not until people get irritated by it people were irritated by the message while Christ was alive.

Matthew 10:22
You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.


Why not be a messenger to the Amazonian tribes, to Aboriginals, to Eskimos? To the Mongolians and those still residing in mountain villages?
I take it that they have never heard of that bible, or most of them (although I might be outdated with the Eskimo lifestyle), go spread the word to new ears?

Look let's be frank here.
If i had a sausage that I seasoned with the best herbs and cooked specially for chosen ones (in fact it's such a special sausage I dare call it holy), would I keep bothering the same people over and over and over and over with this oh so special sausage if they couldn't give a rat's behind for it cause of, oh let's say, FREE WILL?
I'd see people seasoning their sausage with different herbs and some fanatics, to preserve the taste of the juices that our pig sacrificed for us even forget to bring a cut down the middle or pig forbid, drown it in lemon juice and burn it to black after.
I'd see others from far away regions such as Arabia to make fun of our holy sausage and use GOAT AND SHEEP sausage because the pig is forbidden there...
I'd look at my sausage, my specially seasoned herbtastic holy sausage and I'd go "wait a minute, maybe my sausage isnt so special after all?"


Well said, strtrkn.


Demons I get. People are crazy.


On the other end of this spectrum, your religion should never, ever be used to say "If you don't do what I do, you're going to hell!" That will scare people off for good!

Only if they also believe in the Big Bad Wolf. The only thing "scary" about such comments is the psychological problems they imply in the person saying them.

What makes Christianity so nonsensical is that it's based on a completely flawed premise: a perfect being that makes imperfect things. From that one starting point, the theology spreads out into a host of unbelievable and obviously false premises. True, it also contains many bits of wise and useful tips for behavior, although these are mostly common sense things that one shouldn't need a religion to tell them.

But as an overall world view, it's hopeless, which is true of the Abrahamic religions in general. And, as the recent ISIS massacres show never mind radical Islam in general, it can be hideously dangerous.

Religion is like a rocking chair -- a lot of work to get nowhere.
