The bold truth in film...
When the gig booker (9:15 mins in) states, "Yeah, Right-Wing, or ah, technically ULTRA-LEFT".
Neo-Nazis, Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Technocrats all belong on the left-wing of politics.
When the gig booker (9:15 mins in) states, "Yeah, Right-Wing, or ah, technically ULTRA-LEFT".
Neo-Nazis, Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Technocrats all belong on the left-wing of politics.
Just one problem..neo Nazis tend to be racist..just like the extreme alt right. You know the white supremacists that March in the night wearing polo shirts, holding tiki torches and shouting "Jews will not replace us" that's the alt right. And the extreme left is against those types.
shareShibez, correction, Neo Nazis are inherently racist... That being said, what is the 'extreme' right, let alone the "Alt-Right"? The 'alt right', is just a re-branding (2016) of the term, 'white nationalism' popularized by Hilary Clinton and the News Media.
First off, there is nothing wrong with wearing polo shirts :)
The Left 'does the same exact thing' (with PROTECTION and 'LEGITIMACY'), it's just not as narrowly focused... 'based on one particular skin color or race". The Left, ie. the Democrats, Socialist, Communist Antifa/Black Block work as a mob to assault, harm, defame, misinform, disseminate disinformation, revoke, and kick out (regarding restaurants, businesses, etc) Individuals/PEOPLE who disagree with their Leftist ideology.
Right Wing, is HISTORICALLY anyone who disagrees with Leftist policies, their means for control, authority, and 'planning' for a certain "Utopia". The Right understands that everyone cannot be controlled, that everything cannot be quantified, and that people cannot be forced to live a certain way, which is otherwise prescribed by Leftists (this goes far back to the French Revolution, the 'evolution' Marxist, Fascist, Communism, Socialism, USSR-Russia, etc..). The main difference between the 'Left' and the 'Right', is merely government control vs. individual liberty and freedom.
In the case of the Left, they have claimed lies, demonized, physically and verbally attacked, and refused services (i.e., internet access, open space dialog, food, debate, etc.) as they halt racist slurs, and other dehumanizing attacks on their so-called "minority" 'proletariats'... It's because these individuals do not support nor propagate the Left's narrative.
The problem as of 2016, the Left deems anyone, including all people on the Right, Republicans, fiscal conservatives, conservatives in general, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, and ALL groups - may them be white, women, men, boys, girls, transgender, part of the LGBTQ + community, 'minority race', historically oppressed individuals as "extreme Right Wing, Alta Right, White Nationalist, Nazis" if they do not agree with the Marxist Ideologies promoted today.
... These victims also include individuals of the Jewish community...
Let us not forget, that it is also the Left who initiates violence, riots, and destruction of property. At the very least, it has been going on since 2011 with minimal news coverage, sadly, within the United States.
As of today, and for a few decades now, the Left is striving to create a hierarchy based on race, skin color, creed, age, sex, sexual orientation, income level, nationality, citizenship, education, 'historical' oppression, family status, work status, living status, etc... The Leftists are again promoting segregation in schools, employment (in the workplace), and open spaces. Everything above, sure does sound like Nazi Germany, and the Left is outright promoting it and 'legitimizing' it in academia, the news media, and Hollywood/tv.
Sorry, I wish I was able to express my thoughts more clearly, as it's quite late, and rather not want to ramble - repeating myself (I tend to do that lol)... Just remember, we are merely taught the Nazis were 'right wing' only because academia, the media, Hollywood, etc have explained it so... it's just not true at all.
EDIT: I'm an American of minority status, with a very difficult upbringing, but I will never call myself a Leftist, Democrat, Socialist, Fascist, Marxist, or Communist, and never will I fight on behalf of the 'BlackBlock' commies.
PSS. One last thing, the man who established the "Unite the Right" (2017) rally, which you initially alluded to. was a staunch (s/p?; EDITED for correction and clarification) Barack Obama supporter, and the guy who ran his car into a group of people was a Hillary Clinton supporter and campaign activist for her 2016 presidential election (ironically, trying to drive away from a self-admitted Marxist university professor brandishing a rifle. The professor's goal and instructions for that day were to cause a car to run people down. Not many understand nor know this.)
shareThat's a really fine well thought out response. I implore you to go and read it to a racist..who most likely leans right politically (I've never seen a left leaning racist)..and see if he agrees with you. You're right tho Nazi Germany wasn't really right winged...the media in our country probably had a hand in making people think they did lean right. But also I am sure it has a lot to do with liberalism standing for things like being pro LGBTQ..and for inclusiveness. Two huge things that neo Nazis are very much against. Also I don't deny that the left tends to support a lot of Nazi Germany ideas. But there is a difference between socialism and National socialism..and whether you want to believe the extreme right isn't racist or not still doesn't change that the extreme right is racist. That's why you have groups like the KKK marching in cities that claim to be Republicans, and vote Republican. (There is no national socialist party to vote for) That's why the likes of David Duke gives his support to Donald Trump.
Edited to say that the man who ran over Heather Heyer, James Alex Fields, might have been a liberal at one point but his family made it very clear he became a Trump supporter and travled to Charlottesville as a trump supporter...and as of 2016 he was registered as a (you guessed it!) A republican. R.i.p Heather
Also you giving info that shows people once were liberal before Trump became president only shows that alot of what people believe about Trump is actually true..and he did unleash a hate that we haven't seen in our country in a very long time. It's called becoming far right they take on racist ideology.
I'm guessing, you do not know the full extent of Leftist Deception(s).
Amen. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Thank you,
It's just me and my 'stream of thought', but with quite a few edits due to my poor grammar :) Cheers!
EDIT: There is much more that could have been said, but I just didn't want to write a long-form thesis... But reading back, I think I may have started one haha.
You're welcome.
True that