Lucifer Cancelled

Cant believe they cancelling this now.
I must admit i havent been such as impressed by this season as the others, but this last episode really blown me away, and i was really looking forward for one more season atleast.
This show really deserved the chance to finish it up right, nomatter how they gonna end it next week, it never gonna be as the creators wanted it, such a shame


I can't say that I am surprised. I was disappointed this season, but I've long ago realized that I must have horrible tastes in t.v. shows as almost everything I like gets cancelled. Especially on Fox.


I'm gutted. This season was weak. For sure. But the show had SO MUCH potential. They took their foot off the gas with the romance, they walked back the dramatic exit of the Helfer. Too many missteps. The half assed romantic triangle BS. Damn unfortunate. The chemistry this show had was dynamite. Hire new writers. God damnit.


Actually, shows you like getting cancelled means you have very good taste. Generally, the most popular, non-cancelled shows are garbage that appeals to the lowest common denominator.


Oh boy...

Unfortunately the current season showed that there was nowhere to go with the characters, so I'm not that surprised. What vexes me the most is that probably we are not getting a proper ending. Bummer.


I had heard so much from friends about this show and was going to start watching, yet now it's cancelled? Did they just get lazy with the writing and lose viewership or did Fox have the show is a lousy time slot? I'm kind of bummed as the plot sounds intriguing.
