Cast more women

This show has a great cast, but about half way through Episode 2, I noticed I was feeling a little irritated because so many of the characters were male. This isn’t something I usually pay attention to, but when I looked up the cast, it turns out there are 35 total males listed and only 8 women, 2 in bit parts who appear in only one episode. So at best, that’s more than four times as many male characters as females.

That just seems odd and unnatural to me. But maybe that’s a good sign that more women are showing up in other shows and movies now, so when they’re under-represented, it’s noticeable. I’m hoping the show stays eccentric and entertaining enough to make up for that, but if anyone from the show monitors this board, I wish they’d put in a word to the writers and casting directors to get more women characters involved.


It's not the NUMBER of women, it's the quality of the female characters. Let's be real, the female characters are MUCH more capable than the male characters. Amanda is brave as *beep*... Standing up to the Rowdy 3 entirely on her own. Farah and Bart kick all the ass. The male characters, by contrast, are mostly bumbling boobs, just going where the universe takes them.

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Just another gender troll runt. It really doesn't matter if the entire cast was made up of males or females, it was still a great watch. Go away and troll other people you pathetic little ant.
