I never understood the adoration that Firefly gets (no offence to fans, I have plenty of friends who love it. One of my sisters thinks it's the finest thing ever made!). It's entertaining enough, but I doubt I'd ever bother watching it again, as I always found it a bit mediocre.
I actually felt the characters were more 'stock' on Firefly, and it was the actors who brought life to them, more than anything. And the most of the stories were barely scifi, if it wasn't for the spaceship. It always felt like "If you want to make a western so badly, Josh, why not just make a western?"
One thing I did admire with Firefly was the effort to not have sound in space. Serenity wasn't bad. Not brilliant, but certainly better than the series, and made for a nice conclusion, all things considered.
Killjoys and Dark Matter, on the other hand, are great fun. Sure, they're not pretentious or grand or breaking new ground, but they're fun with some great characters (I think Dark Matter has the upper hand on Killjoys in that respect) and scifi stories. They're not perfect, by any means, but I always felt there was a good reason Firefly got canned. ;)