MovieChat Forums > The Boss Baby (2017) Discussion > What's wrong with animated movies today?

What's wrong with animated movies today?

They seem getting dumber and more watered-down every year. Even the heavyweights like Pixar release universally acclaimed boredom-inducing mediocrity (don't start me on that buddy cop movie about racism, or that totally forgettable sequel to a fish movie), and everyone else just releases crap... like this one.


100% agree.




Animated movies are becoming dumber because people are becoming dumber.


Because children continue to become more shallow, selfish, and stupid, perhaps?

Their language comprehension is abysmal despite bearing the verbal capacity to drain their parents credit cards dry; though this may be due to the parents' deficits in willpower, thus spoiling the little turds to shut them up for 5 minutes. Anything involving material above a 50-point IQ level goes over their airy little pinheads.

I suspect Zika has something to do with it...


Does anyone else miss the animated movies that are serious such as The Lion King or Disney's version The Hunchback of Norte Dame? I miss the serious and gritty animated films and I also miss hand drawn animation.
