My thoughts on Season 2

it took me a few weeks but it’s not because it’s not great. It is great and borderline perfect for my taste but each episode is so emotionally charged that it’s taxing and draining me; without exaggerating, I could say that each episode of 40 minutes contains at least 3 mega-twists or intense cliff-hangers just to keep you in its grip and give you the craziest ride Into the Badlands. Finally, Nick Frost was a cool addition and brought the quality of the show even higher. Overall: 9/10


over the last couple of weeks i've watched all 3 seasons, after about 3 episodes i need a rest , but next day cant wait to get back to it!
all gone now ... :(


Damn, good on you son! I wouldn't see myself binging that show.

Right now Im binging The walking Dead though. Only at S2


well you wont run out of episodes anytime soon then!


Hmm I hope that deleted account isnt me ... Im hoping I havent seen series 3

hmm . lotta stuff about "the widow" that rings a bell , probly seen it : (


The deleted account is user "mark."


yup , that was me .
Having decided I'd seen it I've just run into a spoiler thread and spoiled the ending for a second time after finding other ghost post from me realizing I didnt quite finish season 3

its been long enough maybe i can just watch the whole lot again


I do the same with old adventure games that require problem solving to progress/win. If enough time passes, the puzzles are new again.


I kinda stopped watching after S2, Quinn is just too ridiculous , did he resurrect in S3 revealed to be a cyborg?
