Just watched this film...a few points and questions [SPOILERS]
Just got back from the cinema now. I love the predator franchise. The first film is one of my favourites ever, I even think the 2nd is pretty good. This however is a solid 6 out of 10. Not bad, enjoyable but I won't want to watch it again anytime soon. I have a few discussion points on the film below:
What the hell happened to Stirling K Brown's character..(the 'bad' black guy)? Did he die? I think he shot himself in the head but I'm not sure.
If the 1st predator was helping mankind, why was it killing everyone on a rampage? I don't think they really thought about that point.
There were a few smart points in the film, like how we found out the kid is dyslexic and 'special' without anyone explicitly mentioning it. But I felt the way Olivia Munn's character was introduced was way too clunky! Some government agent just walks up to a random women and says 'I hear you like stargazing'. I could tell there must have been a scene cut at this point, most likely the sex offender scene she was going on about.
The ending...while the robot suit is a cool addition, it looked well cheesy - just MHO.