Looks awful

The movie just looks ugly. Shot on an iphone.... WHY though? Just to be artsy? What's artsy about low-quality?


Watch it and then come back.


Hmm, I thought it actually looked pretty beautiful a lot of the time. Of course I had no idea it was shot on an iphone before watching it, so I wasn't really focusing on that.

They've got cars big as bars, they've got rivers of gold


Actually the movie and script of a slice of life really did have depth and if no one told you it was shot with an iPhone you wouldn't be able to tell.

Quite frankly found footage type movies are far worse. No shaky camera action and the script was tight. No gimmicks, gotchyas, or cutesy twists. A slice of life, maybe a little too much reality for my personal taste, but it was all well done.

But why comment on something you haven't even seen? Why? To try to be what? Smart? What is so smart about low quality comments?


Yeah, I watched it on Netflix, and I did not notice too much difference, except maybe for the yellowish color. Made me think of Californication sometimes.
