They Got Everything All Wrong

It's like the people who did this movie barely did their research. When they showed reenactments of the Saved by the Bell episodes, none of them were true. I've seen all of them. The first episode wasn't about Zack forgetting his mom's birthday. The character of Tori never had an ex-boyfriend. And they made it where for sure Slater cheated on Jessie with Chrissy when in the episode it was a misunderstanding. Plus, they made the Elizabeth Berkley and Tiffany Amber Thiessen characters so cliched and weak. That so-called epilogue at the end was weak too. "Oh yeah, this actor was in tv shows, movies, broadway, starred on so and so, etc." It's like whoever made this movie got their info on wikipedia.


Maybe it was a copyright thing and they couldn't say things that were directly on the script since it is unauthorized. A lot of the scenes they were reenacting were like this. Even the Screech Violet kiss setting was very different and the beach club scene never happened either. The only one that even came close was the scene from Jessie's song which like Dustin I wanted to laugh when I saw it as well especially during the reenactment part, like he said it was caffeine pills not heroin.

Save the date: December 31, 2014 is Cassie's big day!!!


that would be Dustin Diamond


As someone else said, it may have come down to the possibility of a lawsuit. Since it was unauthorized that means that they didn't have permission from any of anyone who actually owns any right to the show. Those rights would include set and costume designs. So, in order to avoid any possible lawsuits, they changed just enough so that it isn't a copyright infringement.

If there not going to do itright why call it Saved by the bell??

Dustin Alienated bob Haskins and the rest of the cast

Mark and Mario didnt fight like that

they were good friends too


Yeah, especially Screech. Dustin Diamond's face looks like a baboons d*ck and b*lls on a bad day. The actor they used looks normal.

I came, I saw, I laughed, I left.
