MovieChat Forums > Saul fia (2015) Discussion > and YET, a lot of people still hold the ...

and YET, a lot of people still hold the denial card. idiots.

to think about these brainwashed "elders of zion" idiots blubbering their "researched facts" about no proof of gas chambers etc. is beyond depressing.
feels like humanity is doomed if an event like this nowdays considered almost as fiction (while we have ISIS running loose everywhere).



Every time there is a major disaster -- from genocide to massacre -- there is a wing nut group who can't grasp that it happened and so it must not be true or must be faked. From the Holocaust and 9/11 to 'white flag' gun massacres.




Why is it a crime in over a dozen countries that call themselves "democracies" to question the holocaust? There are 2 sides to every story -


Why is it a crime in over a dozen countries that call themselves "democracies" to question the holocaust? There are 2 sides to every story -

While the wisdom of making it a crime to question any historical fact can be legitimately questioned, there are not "two sides" as to the question of whether over ten million people were killed in mass-murders and whether genocide against approximately six million Jews was committed. The figures were very carefully tallied (see, e.g. Raul Hilberg's work and the work of others), and the total is growing with the research being done today that shows the previous total was far too low to be accurate.

The institutionalized bigotry focused on Jews was a major part of the Nazi plan to motivate the population of Germany and the occupied countries to back the Nazi regime, the citizens of which were often enthusiastic about giving a free rein to their bigotry and greed. To deny these facts is to deny the overwhelming evidence showing them to be true. You can't hide the facts from those who have the intelligence and morals to see them.

My real name is Jeff


Why is it a crime in over a dozen countries that call themselves "democracies" to question the holocaust? There are 2 sides to every story -

Because only the worst kind of human scum "questions the holocaust".
To normal people such behaviour is disgusting if not outright physically painful.

Nevertheless, I do think that such laws are ultimately dangerous and should be abolished along with most other restrictions on freedom of speech.


There were never any "gas chambers". No serious historian believes that anymore and in another decade or so the general public will find films like this every bit as ridiculous as films that depict Jews being made in to soap or curtains. A lot of Jews died in WWII it is true. Most died of disease (like Ann Frank). Some were shot as reprisals for partisan activity or as revenge for the Holodomor Genocide (that was perpetrated mostly by Jews). But the idea that the Germans gassed people is simply ridiculous.


Your existence in this world is ridiculous. You and these repugnant denial groups all deserve to be tossed in a gas chamber.

And then we'll deny it ever happened.


The gas chamber are a myth perpetuated by Jew Zionists. They got the country (Israel), on the account of 'Holocaust' events.

Zionists are the world biggest evil in the last 100 years or so.


The gas chambers were not a myth. See "The Destruction of the European Jews" by Raul Hilberg and the numerous other studies conducted by researchers who are and were not Zionists. The studies, eyewitness accounts, and countless photographs and videos catalog the atrocities and mass murder committed against Jews and other minority groups in the 1930s and 1940s. All of this material is available to the public - if you have any interest in the facts.

In addition, I have personally known people who are not Zionists and who survived being imprisoned in the concentration camps during WW2, and they told me that they witnessed the mass murders of Jews in gas chambers and elsewhere.

My real name is Jeff


The claim that anyone who questions the gas chambers is a "neo nazi" or "white supremacist" is a lie because there are Jewish holocaust revisionists -


Nobody on this board has made the claim you mentioned.

There are people all over the planet, of all religions, who deny evidence and facts - their motivations are varied, but many who deny the Holocaust are motivated by bigotry. There is certainly no rational reason to doubt that the genocide occurred, or the fact that approximately six million Jewish people were murdered, given the vast amounts of evidence documented by quality researchers since that time. As I said, new research, including that being done by a Catholic Priest based in France, is showing that the previous figures cited most often are well below the actual number of people murdered.

My real name is Jeff



It's hopeless with these morons to try to reason with them and use facts or logic. Guys like AkiDestani, Bloody, FirstwinwGOP and Monimoment live in their pathetic world of blame (the "Blacks", "Jews" and " Gays" to name just a few examples) as to why their own lives are so miserable. They stew in festering pools of resentment and gather on White Power websites like StormFront and trade nonsensical "proof" of their sick theories to justify their hate. They quote discredited "experts" like Irving, who actually lost in a Court of Law.

As you pointed out so cogently, this notion of Balance Fallacy, the idea that every idea has an equally valid opposite conclusion is just so much idiocracy, like saying the Flat Earth proponents have equal validity to be heard.

The Nazis were not just evil, they were also among the most anal record keepers of all time. Deniers conveniently overlook this most basic point, along with the thousands of examples of eyewitness testimony by both survivors and Allied forces who liberated the camps.

Don't give up the fight, however. I worked in the World Trade Center. One of my co-workers actually saw the first plane strike the North Tower. If anyone tries to advocate some inane "guided missile" or False Flag theory I am always quick to correct them that Occam's Razor applies to this event too.


No one should be sent to prison for questioning the holocaust. In a democracy people should have the right to question anything they like -
Whether you like it or not there are 2 sides to every story. The general public can make up their own minds. If the holocaust revisionists are in the wrong then they should be proved wrong the democratic way by open debate not by imprisoning them -


YakPro: you're right - to some extent it is hopeless to argue with people so determined to refuse to acknowledge the evidence that is available to all who will look at it. Unfortunately, I often feel that to leave their false statements unanswered is to condone them in some way.

Yes, the Germans kept voluminous records of the genocide, and there are countless eyewitness accounts published and available in libraries, bookstores, and online. Sadly, like the many millions of lives that were wiped out without a thought, and without a trace remaining to account for each tragedy, the lessons of the genocide perpetrated by the Nazis and their collaborators will be lost to future generations if we don't keep them alive. That is one reason why we have to keep responding to the deniers, as fruitless as the results seem to be.

My real name is Jeff


Eat a dick and choke, azzhole.


You are a moron and a racist idiot, AkiDestani! I've been to Auschwitz / Bireanau near Krakow, Poland and seen the evidence you detestable moron!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


You are a friggin' idiot, and an a**hole, firstwin! I've been to Auschwitz/Birkenau in Poland, and seen the proof you moron!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


You are a special kind of idiot.

Raylan Givens: I'm going to need an ambulance, and a coroner.


You're absolutely right.

History is written by the winners but serious historians know that gassing never happened and that there weren't enough "ovens" to incinerate 6 million people.

They made up the oven thing because they couldn't find 6 million bodies.


And WE went to the Moon !


It isn't true that kosher butchering practices call for cutting the animal open in the stomach and letting it painfully bleed to death.

My real name is Jeff


The Holocaust is not denied as much as the Armenian Genocide - which is the second most studied case after the Holocaust - yet it is denied by Turkey for geopolitical reasons.


I agree with you but this movie should not be considered proof of its existence.
