Nudity in this film

Was it dead bodoes?

The actor?

The actress?

Who was it, please? Cheers!


the nudity cannot be avoided for accurate depiction of sonderkommandos, Jews who inspected body cavities of just gassed other Jews for hidden gems and gold. Apparently a lot of people in those camps were hiding diamonds and jewelry..


I hate how when someone asks about nudity in film, a bunch of people here on IMDb slam the poster. "It's just nudity. Who cares?" "How can you be fine with violence but not nudity?" "Why are Americans so offended with nudity?"

I'm not American and I couldn't care less if there's nudity in film, but get off your high moral grounds. There are many reasons why someone wants to know if there's nudity in a film and who cares why?


Sometimes the amount of nudity itself is one of the reason why I'm going to watch a movie!
