MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Remind me again why Solo was bad

Remind me again why Solo was bad

It seems that even the most die hard SW fans are struggling to create a coherent argument as to why this movie sucked other then pointing to the box office.

I went into the movie assuming it would be mediocre but I gotta say that this was miles better than the prequels and made Rouge One look like amateur hour. It also will probably have more repeat value than Force Awakens or Last Jedi.

The more I think about it, this is probably the 2nd best of the franchise behind Empire.


most people thought it was ok, not great


You must live in Montana or something, those who didn’t grow up around goats have very divided views on this movie which is why it’s at 64% audience rating on rotten tomatoes.

To put that into perspective almost all Marvel movies are at least 80%, obviously many have drinken the “I hate Kathleen Kennedy” Kool Aid and wouldn’t know a hidden gem of a film if it climbed up on their lap and performed some bump n grind.


RT can be manipulated, go with imdb that is more fair and doesn't really count newbie accounts that spam ratings

the score dropped to 55% and fought its way back to 64%


IMDB is 100% manipulated, just look at the top 100 movies of all time on there and it would make even a tomato blush.

Look just follow simple RT math here: if an audience loves a movie it will be 80% or higher, if they hate a movie it will be below 50%, everything in between is a movie that is divided....and 64% is right smack dab in the middle of this so you can’t argue with tangible data that is right in front of your face.


movies in imdb top 100 are not bad movies but just overrated

i think RT can be manipulated to lower score 20 points, but should recover once it gets enough votes, Black Panther recovered from early trolling and Solo did to lesser extant. TLJ just keeps sinking though, so probably bad. Solo is just meh, not bad.


I don’t think you know how RT works and are confused. The percentages have nothing to do with whether a movie is “meh” or not. Any movie between 1 and 100 can be “meh”. The site is rating a percentage of people who like a movie or not, there is no “meh” option. Most movies that are “meh” have a very low number of reviews, this isn’t the case with “Solo” which is clearly a very divided movie.


Um, what do goats have to do with anything?


See, peppermint here had no real argument so he decide to insult the guy instead.




Nice try. The movie is bland and not exciting.


Wouldn’t ‘Rogue One’ be the textbook definition of “bland and not exciting”? Now that’s a movie that has literally nothing in common with “Solo”.

I grew up on the smart side of my town, so believe me when I tell you that this movie is actually nearly flawless. It didn’t follow the typical formula and actually fixed a dozen plot holes. That’s all I’m saying!


Rogue one is better, but solo is good and deserved to do better at the box office


And poof! There goes both your credibility.


give a shit what you think , im sure a lot more think as I do , Rogue One is the best Disney Star Wars film released thus far.


I'd say it's easily the best since the original trilogy.
But that's really not saying much.


yeah but the original triliogy is only goos because
a) you were a kid
b) it was first , you hadnt seen lightsabres before




No, If you want definition of bland and not exiting look at The Last Jedi.


It would have been an okay movie if it had actually started Han Solo.

If I want to see some dweeby kid imitating Han Solo for two hours, I can just babysit my nephew for free.


"2nd best of the franchise behind Empire"

That right there shows you don't know what you're talking about.
Empire is 2nd best behind "Star Wars", past that it's all subjective.


Star Wars is a poorly made and poorly executed film, slightly boring at times. You’ve got to be kidding me if you think it’s better than Empire but I guess a broken clock is right twice a day?


lol, I guess it must be that time of day?


Unless it's a broken military clock. Then it's only right once a day.


How about broken clocks with broken hands. They are never right.


PeppermintHippo thinks Solo is better than New Hope.
Abandon thread!


they are trying to troll.


This is the weakest of the Star Wars movies. The lead actor is miscast and his performance isn't very good. The action sequences are mediocre and the film lacks the same excitement and magic that the other Star Wars films have. The movie doesn't look very good and the storyline is pretty weak. The film is too long and drags at parts. It just isn't much fun and not as entertaining as it should be.



Decided to go see it last Thursday and enjoyed it (the other 2 people in the theater seemed to, too). My overall thoughts are that it should have been 30 mins shorter and they should have chosen a better actor for Lando. That's about it.


Disagree. Lando was one of the few things the movie got mostly right...although I didn't like his insinuated "relationship" with the robot.


miles better than the prequels and made Rouge One look like amateur hour

lol, this might be more revealing about you than you ever intended. And it seems it's rather you who is struggling to grasp "coherent arguments" as to why Solo "sucked" than people not delivering.

I give you few to remedy your persona incredulity a bit:

- murky cinematography
- Solo character arc of becoming the gracious Rebellion helper again (in conflict with future ANH arc)
- story consisting of rampant fan service galore, beginning with Solo name origins and origin story hardly anybody asked for
- lead performance not too credible as Han Solo a few years before ANH
- rushed pacing, not enough time to breath and develop friendships
- mediocre score
- Pando becoming robosexual, and the droid was über-annoying
- Lando being a metrosexual cape fetishist
- underdeveloped female lead (the potentially most interesting character) plus villain
- another ridiculous and anticlimactic mask reveal (all about Enfys Nest
- plot holes

I gave it 6.5/10, ok for me - 12 parsecs better than the rehashed saga sequels (if you round it down), but not good enough.


Ahhh yes, the “I know you are but what am I” argument. Haven’t heard that since 3rd grade but thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Your complaints are actually the strengths of this movie:

- The Score is unique and original, unlike the tiresome copy and paste jobs from the other films
- The murky look is an artistic choice, not cameramen who don’t know what they’re doing
- The pacing was pitch perfect, A New Hope is an example of piss poor pacing, not Solo.
- the droid was easily the least annoying we’ve gotten so far, it’s not even close lol
- Lando is hardly in the movie so even if you didn’t like him it’s a minor gripe
- too much fan service? Now you’re whining like a social justice warrior on a college campus, tone it down please

Other than Empire this is the only other movie I would own because it’s actually decently made, largely thanks to Ron Howard. The other films are just laughably bad but sometimes entertaining.



Seems your 3rd grade times cannot be that long ago considering the quality of the arguments unleashed (;

- "The Score is unique and original, unlike the tiresome copy and paste jobs from the other films"
You should check the meaning of word "mediocre" and then ponder how senseless your response is. And "original"? This is pretty uninformed considering the many, many call-backs to old Williams themes used - like bar-for-bar bits from Empire's asteroid chase sequence, the misused Star Wars and the Rebels theme for Han and the Falcon, The Empire March and the ANH-Trooper fanfare etc. Rogue One's soundtracks had less of that.
- "The pacing was pitch perfect, A New Hope is an example of piss poor pacing, not Solo."
Ok I realize you are trolling, but whatever it's worth; ANH pacing is slow for today, BUT my criticism with Solo was that the pacing is rushed for the relationships to breath and develop (eg Han & Chewie were instant buddies) - too many plot points for one film - your defense was beside the point again.
- "The murky look is an artistic choice, not cameramen who don’t know what they’re doing"
sure pal, OR: if you do not want the audience to see the crap you shot, shoot it darkly so that nobody can see…
- the droid was easily the least annoying we’ve gotten so far, it’s not even close lol
Sure pal, and if they ever need a proto troll-droid you are the first they will call
- Lando is hardly in the movie so even if you didn’t like him it’s a minor gripe
Deflection and irrelevant. Yoda was hardly in Last Jedi and still they messed him up with his calling Luke "Skywalker" instead of Luke, him giggling, quipping and dancing and throwing lightning bolts. It takes the flap of a butterfly to start a storm…
- too much fan service? Now you’re whining like a social justice warrior on a college campus, tone it down please
lol, that was the laziest response, even for you..and where are your responses to my other criticism? I guess you agree with them. Fine. Case closed.


If you think I’m gonna respond to all that jibber jabber you just wrote you’re sadly mistaken chief. Are you even a fan of these movies? Let’s start there.


I went in with hoping not to like it but its not a bad movie. It got better on the second viewing.

