how empty was your theatre?
I went to 5pm showing yesterday (Friday). I went in bit early than usually do (usually go in when showing starts) but figured normally u got people in b4 a showing b4 all the ads/trailers and this being SW its bound to be packed so best get in there now get to my seat play on my phone and stuff...but I got in and it was empty and found my seat and then sat there for maybe 10minutes right up until the ads almost and started thinking 'holy crap this will be the first time in my life where its just me alone in a theatre watching a movie!' and went around moved from seat to seat etc toyed with idea of going to front taking a pic and tweeting 'my screening of #Solo' (and imagined getting thousands of RTs/likes) then when ads started people started coming in.. but ultimately there wasn't that many in there maybe about 12-15 in total