MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > You watched it... didn't you? πŸ˜‰

You watched it... didn't you? πŸ˜‰

Admit it... I want to hear from the naysayers who said that they weren't going to watch another Star Wars movie...

Yes, this includes torrents/bootleg/sneaking in to the theatre, my take is that while you didn't line Disney's coffers with your $$$$, you couldn't stay away from their 'Star Wars stories' and thus you submit yourself to their culture...

So, have any of the naysayers been able to resist? I find this interesting and would love to hear your rationale for whether or not you watched the movie and how and with whome did you watch it...

Personally, I've had my fill of StarWars/Comicbook movies for a few months, maybe for the rest of the year... So I didn't bother watching Solo...


Yeah I watched it, even after abysmal TLJ, because I knew Ron Howard is good at what he does, and sure enough, the movie was actually a good adventure film.

Lando's "pansexuality" is only a minor love for his robot, which is Star Wars version of the sexbots that are being pumped out of Japan today. The dialogue is easy to understand, the characters are fun, the special effects okay, and for the very first time we get some Empire stuff without seeing Darth Vader, though the movie focuses on the adventure--not the Empire.


No it wasn't, it was as dull as dishwater and literally dark. The Maelstrom crap was too preposterous, the droid was a complete annoyance, and I groaned at the Darth Maul cameo, which meant more on that story. Dull, Dull, DULL!


I thought it was just my theater screen that was dark, because my theater is notorious for dark projectors. I will agree with that, it was a pretty dark movie if that is the case for all theaters.

Fortunately for us, Maul's story was ended on Star Wars Rebels final season, so even though there is this 'twist' in this movie, we know what happens to Maul.


Yes, he fights Obi-Wan on Tattoine and gets roundly and fatally beaten in just a couple of swipes.


I could see someone watching it for Ron Howard... Good point πŸ‘


Great question. I think these types of people are thieves. A lot of people put their hearts and souls into making this film . You should pay the people that are making the film you want to see.


As soon as Disney and Lucasfilm fires everyone in mismanagement and starts making good, respectful Star Wars movies, they'll start getting paid again. It's really simple.




That's fine Guitar King if you truly BOYCOTT a film. But don't STEAL from them, man! You are obviously interested in what they made so pay the price of admission. If you KNOW it's going to SUCK then just ignore it.



This. People don't realize that it's not as much the top execs or top movie stars that suffer from this. It's the people near the end of the credits that get a pay cut or are simply not brought back on the next project. A set designer maybe. Or a makeup artist.

Don't steal.


Don't ruin Star Wars then troll Star Wars fans who complain. Kennedy, Abrams, Johnson, and John Kasdan did that.


Nope. You people who gave in are weak as hell.


Exactly. Darth Disney counts on the weakness of Star Wars fans to always cave in and pay full price to watch any garbage they dish out. It's why they refuse to hire real directors and writers.


But you watched their efforts without compensating them for it. That's just wrong.


You don't know what I did or didn't do. Anyway, they've ruined Star Wars, insulted fans and deservedly lost many customers as a result. Fuck them and fuck you.




I didn't want to see this movie. If I didn't have a movie pass, I wouldn't have seen it. I would probably download it when it hits bluray just to see how bad it is and form my own opinion (I do this with other movies aswell).

I did see it once and never again. Boring ass movie. I would join the boycott if I didn't have the movie pass.
Usually I see Star Wars movies more than once in cinema. But with this, 1 time is more than enough. I just hope they don't fuck up Obi Wan :(






Yes, I did watch it -- after rolling my eyes at its existed, and despite not having any enthusiasm for Star Wars stuff.

Why did I watch it? Well, I wanted to go and pass some time and see a movie. Good way to relax.

However, all of the standard-run movies I've either seen already or they're total shit at the moment. Amy Schumer? No way. Super hero stuff? Hate it. They rest looked like total cock. So I went for the safest bet, which was Star Wars, and it was perfectly fine as a popcorn movie. Kind of like simple adventure TV shoes from the 80s. I rate it 6/10.


Plenty by the looks of the box office for day one.
