best comic show possible
i generally think super hero shit is too immature and don't watch them. so when i saw gotham advertised i just dismissed it. i just watched it now and damn it's good. i mean it's not like boardwalk empire good but for a comic book story, this is as good as it gets. it's just the right amount of realism, maturity and grit while still maintaining that comic bookish feel to it. this is like a more mature version of arrow. i also love seeing these compelling criminal origins. havent seen batman cartoon since i was a kid but i recall batman creating half of them by accident himself. also this show was well cast. maybe it's cuz it was 2019 but there's not much woke shit here. will smith's bald wife is black but she's well cast and they're giving her her own story time just like productions before the woke era. it's not in your face and badly cast.
people who complain about anti-woke backlash ignore the fact that for decades, black people had tons of screen time but nobody complained because it wasn't at the expense of anyone else. take for example the show "jericho." the black guy had like 1/3 of the show's screen time and his story could've been cut entirely and it would barely affect the show. nobody cared that he took up 1/3 though.