It's like a good old fashioned car crash
You just can't look away.
The plots get worse and worse - e.g. The penguin's licensed crime arc and the bridges are broken, so Gotham is inaccessible for months 😂 Wtf?!!
And then nobody - and I mean NOBODY! - is literally dead. Every single character you think is dead is not dead. They are absolutely certainly coming back. Even the characters are no longer surprised and reference that "no one stays dead in this town".
Then there's the GCPD police station. It's overrun by some criminals taking it over about once every four or five episodes!
And Wayne Manor! Alfred steadfastly refuses - never mind going as far as employing any security for his BILLIONAIRE ward - he utterly refuses to even as much as shut that window in the drawing room! They have been burgled / accosted / kidnapped on multiple occasions by people coming in through that exact same access point yet they never, ever address this point of security failure 😂.
Plus it's GREY Every. Single. Day! They use the same color filter on every shot showing the skyline. Who's living / moving to this place? There are criminals overrunning the streets / killing people every single day and you can't even catch a break of a bit of sunshine once in a while!
But... What a show! Love it. Very sad to be coming to the end of my binge...