It's disgusting they stole Peter Cushion's likeness and used it like that. Peter Cushion's family she sue George Lucas for a % of the revenue the movie made. I would be furious is someone stole my likeness after I was dead and didn't even pay my family for it.
I believe the producers secured the rights from his estate. Having said that, I dont like the practice ethically, even with the estate's permission. I also think the filmmakers are fooling themselves into thinking it looks good -- it doesnt. It produces a very unnatural and distracting effect.
I agree it didn't work well, especially when you think how subtle an actor Peter Cushion was. But never mind, if they follow usual practice they'll just redo it every couple of years until they get it right - or screw it up even more.
If you can't assume They got his families/estates permission before doing this...then you are simply retarded.
I have not read a single article or anything, But i too thought, wonder how he'd feel about this? Playing a villain that orders something as Evil as A Test of the Death Star that results in a whole City being killed.....
I thought, Man Not exactly something I'd like to have done after I'd died....But then I immediately realized, "We'll Disney didn't just do this, They had to get his families/estates permission before doing it, They had to let them read the script and sign off on what they were going to do with the character...
Once the Family signed off, its done....Nothing Evil or Wrong about it...
Your post though Literally has the narrative of A Child or Someone who is mentally challenged....
the fact that you could even entertain the idea that they "Stole" his likeness and not assume/understand they had to get permission to use him is simply embarrassing on your part.
again this thread is so absurd there's only 3 options...
You're a child
You are mentally challenged
You are trolling
it does matter which one is correct, you still lose!
just found this on another site-
"This isn't a full answer, but there is a Special Thanks to the Estate of Peter Cushing at the end, so we know they knew about it and gave their permission and probably got paid for it."
I wouldn't worry about it, all the rights of his likeness were secured during production of the film, and it just wouldn't have been the Death Star without him.
I didn't understand why they felt the need to make him about 5 inches too tall. He was very noticeably taller than he should have been which is strange if they were going for as close a likeness as possible. I guess they were trying to ramp up the intimidation factor, but surely his facial expressions did that well enough?
Seriously we didn’t need CGI Tarkin, he should have been replaced with Vader or even Palpatine, yeah putting palpatine in this film would have made sense this time instead of you know in that other one