Fantasyland (Spoilers)

There is usually something unbelievable in every TWD/FTWD episode, but this last episode was RIDICULOUS.

The writers clearly have no idea how cars or car batteries work.
a) There is 0% chance that any of the car batteries would not be dead. Car batteries die after about one month of non-use. The first car alarm, the second car alarm, the ambulance starting. None of those things would have worked.
b) Vehicles require keys. I'm sure everyone in the Zombie Apocalypse is an expert at hot wiring cars, but considering that the battery would be dead and the fact that gasoline goes bad after about 12 months, there is 0% chance that the ambulance would start.
c) The FIRST rule of zombies is that they are RAVENOUSLY hungry. Why would a pack of zombies, surrounding a group of delicious looking humans walk away because a car alarm was going off on the other side of the building. Yes, it has been established that they are attracted to sound, but their PRIMARY desire is to eat.
d) There is 0% chance that the crazy lady would still be alive. Morgan is a flip-flopping idiot. Kill everyone, don't kill anyone, WHATEVER. But that lady has killed many people (she is even responsible for Jim's death) and tried to kill many more. She is rabid. I cannot believe that Strand or Alicia or even June would have spared her. Anyway, why would you leave her in the SWAT truck alone, without securing her more securely.

The writing this season has been the worst ever, in either series.


Agreed in most ways. Probably why I just don't have the urge to watch, or pay attention when it's on. The 'miraculous' events in this show really put it beyond anyone believing it. Pretty sure the very last episode of the show, there will be a scene with god, or some other divinity, coming down and letting them know all he's done to help them along.....


a certain amount of disblief is required for a show like this but they carry it to the extreme.
My problem is with the walker bite. Most of our heros with open wounds have been covered with zombie goo several times and the are ok. I guess the zombie poisen is only on the teeth enamel


The show gets dumber and dumber by each episode - it's going to become Z Nation pretty soon.


/The show gets dumber and dumber by each episode - it's going to become Z Nation pretty soon./

It's almost there.


Said "C" and "D" to my gf, mid-episode, almost verbatim. Especially "C". It's as if their main drive is to now attack sound. Not just this episode, but also when John was stuck on "Gator Isle" a couple episodes ago. When the horn went dead in his attempt to lure the walkers into the water, the first walker did a spin move fit for an NFL running back. It was incredible. I'd never seen agility like that, in a walker.


Yup. Some shocking writing this episode.

'Hold the mic up close to your ear'. Sorry what? Mic? Microphone. Up close to your ear...You're not going to hear much out of that...I can't believe not a single person there, actor, crew or whatever was like 'um, don't you mean speaker, not mic?'. This is so basic.

Zombies just strolling through glass. Yeah, that's not how glass panes work. A large window like that will laminated, double glazed etc. You'd need a hammer to get through it.

Oh, we just happened to find a ladder truck. What a coincidence.

And then starting the rescue with the MRAP parked a mile away from the ladder truck. Have them parked right next to each FFS so you can just jump from the ladder truck onto the MRAP. Hell, you have time to prep a little walkway just to be extra safe with a plank or something. Or even have the MRAP parked behind the ladder truck so you can use the bloody ladder...And Jesus Christ, have wheelchair guy already safe and secure in the MRAP so you don't need to worry about transferring him between vehicles with a load of zombies about. He should have been in the MRAP with his shotgun pointed at crazy woman's head. And Alicia and Luciana pissing about in harms way miles away from the ladder truck completely unnecessarily. Have everyone in the MRAP or on the top of the ladder truck.

And yeah, not ending crazy woman with a bullet to the head...They deserve everything she does to them because of their stupidity.

Seriously, I would be embarrassed to work on this show.


Totally agree with everything you said. I noticed when Morgan and Jim were on the roof together that Jim still had a walkie.
I thought to myself, take that away from him. He won't need it. Little did I know that he would.

Plus Dorie's five-story shot with a revolver is laughably impossible, especially a head shot on a moving target.

Plus plus, the show ends with the crazy lady weaponizing Jim. There was a conversation in the show about jumping to break bones so Jim would not be walking around as a zombie. Also, it has been established that blunt force to the head can "kill" a zombie. Would not the fall off the building onto a car both break many bones and cause enough trauma to the back of Jim's head to "kill" him? So, so stupid.

This show has become a cartoon.


To be fair your A and B is exactly why these shows have such ridiculous timelines...(I mean, if we're to believe that all the events in the original 8 season show happened in the space of about 2 years then everyone would be crazy or dead)...but even if we could suspend disbelief with the gas then the battery working is a biggie...but how about just banking everything on hitting it just right anyway...or it even having a car alarm? Every vehicle doesn't have a car alarm..
As far as C..I can accept this one as walkers have been established to be easily distracted by loud noises..
But D...I like the fact that they like the idea of helping people but why can't they ever be discerning about it? They seem unable to use good judgement about anyone. It's always black and white..
This horrible woman is a cartoon psychotic that there is no saving...They really should have just taken her out when they had the chance.
She's just a killing machine with no saving graces..Just put her out of her misery and save anyone else that might cross her path.
That would be the best good deed.

But I for one could deal with a lot of plausibility issues if the show hadn't meandered off so badly in every other way. They had a few brilliant episodes at the start of the season and then sank into something I can only describe as dismal and tedious.
I have no idea where they think they're going except maybe trying to stall until they figure out what to do. But everything they do seems to only make things worse.
I'm not sure why they thought they had to kill off Madison on top of Nick leaving. It's like they're taking "what not to do" lessons from the mother show and doing the same crap here.


"I'm not sure why they thought they had to kill off Madison on top of Nick leaving. It's like they're taking "what not to do" lessons from the mother show and doing the same crap here."

Kim Dickens is going on to be in Deadwood and Dillane just wanted off the show, I believe. But even if those actors wanted to stay, their characters were played out. Nick went from being an annoying druggie to zombie prodigy dude to destroyer of survivor camps (albeit because he was stupid). Madison went from likable MILF to overbearing momma bear to inept baseball stadium manager. She also was a destroyer of survivor camps but only because they didn't do what she wanted them to do and thus had to be destroyed. At the end I just got tired of hearing them even speak lines in the show.


What do I know? I deserted the show mid season 2. The only character I found the least bit interesting (at that time) was Nick.
I came back season 4 due to everyone's insistence it was a better show and because TWD mother show had been in the toilet for 2 seasons.

I understand that those that hung with it would have an attachment to the main characters so wiping most of them out is a kind of FY to those that hung in there all the way.
I get that..especially since the show started off with a bang this season and has steadily gone to the toilet.

Wiping out characters simply for shock value with no purpose in mind is sort of TWD's brand of dealing with an inability to create coherent, intelligent storylines with fully dimensional characters.


I thought about ditching the show after every episode since season one but hung on thinking they had some grand storyline they were going to reveal that tied it all together. But sadly, no such thing happened. And the idea that the show is a parody or a campy knockoff of TWD doesn't quite ring true for me. I believe those folks think they're making something solid (insert poo joke here) and noteworthy.

I realized that around mid-season two they seemed to be just winging it. I look at it like a commercial aircraft taking off; once you start your takeoff you have a speed, V1, where it's your last moment to abort the takeoff safely. I think they ignored V1 in the first season, sped down the runway in season two, and crashed into the tree line in season three. Season four tried to clean up the mess but wound up getting the ambulance stuck in the mud.


This show takes itself less seriously than the main show. It's got more camp, sorta like 80s horror sequels.


Why would you say that, and with such certainty? From all the Talking Dead interviews, that hasn't been my impression at all!

They take themselves very seriously indeed.


Not saying they don't have serious moments, but they are also changing it up more with the new characters. A scene like the toilet scene with "Momo" wouldn't happen in season 1 or 2. And like a polar opposite of Efraim, who was a great tragic character, but he wouldn't fit in season 4. They are trying to lighten the mood by giving everyone a funny or annoying quirk.


As far as A and B, you gotta suspend your disbelief a little with that, they have to have some way of getting out of jams like that, vehicles is about the only answer. The show can't be THAT realistic or you'd have people walking on a road every scene and taking forever to get to somewhere. Plus its not too unbelievable that most vehicles would still have their keys in them.

But i can't argue with your other points, i'm not gonna deny the show has some bad writing


Yeah, I doubt I'll be back next season, there is nothing worthwhile about the show anymore.
