Fantasyland (Spoilers)
There is usually something unbelievable in every TWD/FTWD episode, but this last episode was RIDICULOUS.
The writers clearly have no idea how cars or car batteries work.
a) There is 0% chance that any of the car batteries would not be dead. Car batteries die after about one month of non-use. The first car alarm, the second car alarm, the ambulance starting. None of those things would have worked.
b) Vehicles require keys. I'm sure everyone in the Zombie Apocalypse is an expert at hot wiring cars, but considering that the battery would be dead and the fact that gasoline goes bad after about 12 months, there is 0% chance that the ambulance would start.
c) The FIRST rule of zombies is that they are RAVENOUSLY hungry. Why would a pack of zombies, surrounding a group of delicious looking humans walk away because a car alarm was going off on the other side of the building. Yes, it has been established that they are attracted to sound, but their PRIMARY desire is to eat.
d) There is 0% chance that the crazy lady would still be alive. Morgan is a flip-flopping idiot. Kill everyone, don't kill anyone, WHATEVER. But that lady has killed many people (she is even responsible for Jim's death) and tried to kill many more. She is rabid. I cannot believe that Strand or Alicia or even June would have spared her. Anyway, why would you leave her in the SWAT truck alone, without securing her more securely.
The writing this season has been the worst ever, in either series.