MovieChat Forums > Fear the Walking Dead (2015) Discussion > So Madison is confirmed dead now?

So Madison is confirmed dead now?

So in present day The Vultures and Alicia was face to face and there was zero mention of Madison, no "Let me see my mother" or anything. At this point i just don't see how she isn't dead, if she was alive Alicia would be trying to find her not tracking The Vultures. And if she was being held hostage Alicia would have brought it up when they was face to face.

I think the writers are trying to get rid of the Fear cast and make Morgan and his friends the new stars of it, it wouldn't shock me if we see Alicia and Strand die this season as well. The whole reason they brought Morgan over was cause the ratings for Fear was getting a bit low, maybe they think if they wipe out the Fear cast and do sort of a reboot with someone from Walking Dead the show will be a bigger success.




When and where was it confirmed?


it was a joke, because something that big is obviously not going to be confirmed until we see it on the screen.


I honestly do not think Madison is dead although they do want us to think so..I do believe that Nick and Alicia and etc do think she is dead, though, else Nick would've questioned the brother that he slaughtered and Alicia wouldn't be going straight for the kill (unless they're really actively trying to make them idiots..logic would dictate they would have questions) .

I quit watching FTWD mid season 2 and only came back this season because of rumors that it had gotten better and because I had to dump TWD because it hadn't (gotten better).

I think a lot of what you're saying is correct about them trying to reboot the show (and also try to salvage fed up TWD fans by luring them back to the walking dead universe)..
.....And I hope that I'm wrong on this but they have a way of misdirecting these things.Playing with their fans..
The old Madison I remember wasn't very likable. They've made her likable now, it seems. And that's just the kind of ploy they'd use to lead us astray with... misleading us to believe that she's dead now...only to peel back the mystery to bring her back alive ...only to kill her for real.


Yeah, I can see this. I am really starting to lose interest. I really liked Nick on the canvas. I just can't see the new people holding the show. I dislike them very much. I like Morgan, but he's been relegated to a few sentences of "You don't wanna do this" blah blah.

I could not watch the stand alone with that goofy cowboy dude. Last night's was just ok.


I personally think there is no reason anymore for a second Walking Dead show considering the events of the two shows now are happening concurrently with each other.


Eh its no different than when they made the spinoff show Angel while Buffy was still on and they did crossover eps here and there, theres been alot of shows thats very similar that done spinoffs.

I personally don't mind two different dead shows being on, getting one from Texas and other parts of the world while the other is primarily set in Georgia/Virginia. Although it would have been cool if Fear was set in Europe somewhere just to see whats its like from their point of view, like England or Ireland.


I never watched those shows, however, so it doesn't matter to me what spin-offs they did.

Back when I watched Once Upon a Time, I did watch the spin-off (at least it was set in a different world), and back when I watched The Vampire Diaries, I also watched The Originals, but then I abruptly lost interest in both.


This season has been a warm reboot already. This circular storytelling is getting to be very annoying. I am starting to tune out. This is like a first season, rolling out new characters and they are already doing isolation, up close and personal episodes for these new characters.

I'm starting to think the original show lucked out having Frank Darabont as the original showrunner. He knows how to develop characters. He got fired because he messed too much with Comic Book brats.
