MovieChat Forums > Fear the Walking Dead (2015) Discussion > Oh no. The stairs are barricaded with a...

Oh no. The stairs are barricaded with a few chairs and stuff...

Lets jump in a zombie infested swimming pool and climb up the slide...

Really? So fucking stupid. Alicia is so bloody reckless. They could have easily climbed over the barricade as it's meant to stop zombies, not people. Even if the slide was the only way to go, they could have just walked around the edge of the pool and climbed into the slide. No need to even touch the water.

And how did they just ninja off that structure? They weren't wet when they were in the car so didn't go back down the slide...


lol I literally said to my wife, "Oh no! Some picnic tables! Better jump in the pool with them..."

There was so much clear space around the edge of the pool. And like you said, the tables/chairs could have been easily climbed over. I understand they wanted to write a way for her to lose her knife and subsequently find "her new weapon", but it still seems like they could've written a better way.

After all of that, I didn't even think about how they got down, good point. They couldn't make it over the tables and chairs, but they must've parkour off of that with ease.


As soon as I saw her carrying that new weapon I thought to myself why on Earth would someone be using that as a melee weapon. I mean, the barrel shroud from a machine gun? Going to the effort of cutting/grinding that thing down...She could have just made a knife in a fraction of the time. And why didn't they go back for the rest of the machine gun? That thing would be worth it's weight in gold for defending the stadium.


Thank you for referring to it as a battle shroud. In the behind the scenes stuff on Talking Dead, they kept referring to it as a flash suppressor (which it is not).
Agree that it is a stupid weapon.
And do they continuously use knives to dispatch the Walkers? Why get your hand/arm to within inches of the Walkers' mouths? How about a spear, or an axe, or a sword?
And why doesn't anyone use a flippin' shield? Sword and shield would make an excellent combination.


Ha. Flash suppressor. Morons.

Agreed. Knives are pretty risky but handy to keep on your person. Sword is probably the best melee weapon for sure but they can't take away from Michonne's specialness I guess.

If I didn't need to worry about getting in and out of cars I would probably be rocking a pike or a halberd. Dispatch those zombies from a nice, safe distance.



Most important thing seems to be to have free space to move back. Spear seems super-great to easily kill them from a distance. I cringe everytime they crash with their whole bodies into walkers for some strange reason, this super-often happens to them.
I saw youtube re-enactors sword guy vs spear guy, sword guy had not a chance in the world in like 30 rounds.
