MovieChat Forums > Fear the Walking Dead (2015) Discussion > Ok Daniel figured out Troy led the horde...

Ok Daniel figured out Troy led the horde way too fast

Lol its like he got psychic powers or something and knew the moment Troy walked in the room he was the one that led the horde to the ranch. He had never even met Troy before, what made him straight away pin the horde on Troy?

How'd he even know someone led the horde to begin with? Walkers have gathered in huge groups like that before without someone leading them.


A lot of things about this finale episode were a little too convenient and unrealistic, and yes, this was definitely one of them.


Didn't Daniel lead a horde himself in the season 1 finale?


I think the writers were trying to imply that one psychopath recognizes another.


And because Daniel's previous past life involved interrogating people all day, he could probably read a liar a mile away (if they say one thing, that means the answer is the opposite of what was just said).

I did think he figured it all out fast (and seemed to have a clear picture of who Jake and Troy were, despite never meeting them before), but at least Daniel does have an adequate backstory supporting his "quick intuitions/observations" about people.
