And the reviews are trickling in

About what I expected.


I only see 25 reviews so far, but the sense I'm getting is that critics approaching it as a monster movie are enjoying it and those looking for the next Citizen Kane are panning it.


yeah, it's a Godzilla movie (other than the original), with all the tropes and nods that only kids -- who were weaned on those things -- understand. Batsht plot, odd characters, and whimsy is all part of it. We just get the highest end of visual fx with this one.


Movie snobs are so funny, they spend an unbelieveable amount of time critiquing movies. If a movie is an action flick, sit your snob arse down, sit back, and enjoy.


Had bad vibes about this since the first trailer was released, looked like a dull Zack Snyder movie, definitely skipping this one.


There are movies that clearly aren't for everyone. There are movies that serve a fan base of a particular era/age. There are films that appeal to something inside of us all.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
It would be a mistake, or maybe better stated a loss for you, to shun this movie based on anything less than experiencing it for yourself.

In MovieBob you should trust.


When I became a man I really did put away childish things, but monster movies are one of those things that both adults and children can enjoy.

I am SO looking forward to this stupid movie!


When ai became a man, I put away a major childish thing: Defining myself by what others or society expects or wants me to be.

When I became a man, I defined myself. That means if I like a toy, I will buy it, likely just for display... but they become handy if someone brings their kid(s) over.


I had so much fun with the plastic sword I bought at the Celtic fair, that the next year a friend bought one just like it! We agreed that no home is complete without at least one plastic sword. FYI we're both over fifty.

Even at my age, you've got to have a little idiotic fun, which why I am SO looking forward to another Godzilla movie. I hope they include Mothra's creepy little twins, that would be awesome!!


I think I have a plastic sword... I do have four metal ones, but one is an unsharpened flat edge theater sword, an older fencing style.


Doing the yoga "warrior" sequences is much more fun with a plastic sword in your hand!

But you probably get a better workout with a real one.


The unsharpened theater sword would be great for workouts, its very heavy. All metal, even the grip threading which is done with a twisted high gauge wire so it still resembles a cord.

Oh and I remember now, the sword style is a rapier.


After I told my future husband that I didn’t really want a ring, he got me a feckin’ AWESOME sword with an edge sharp enough to whack off Godzilla’s toe. And that’s when I knew he was the one for me. :-)


Now THAT is a lovely story... and just imagine how symbolic it would be if some day that wedding sword is brandished to stop a home invasion or something (hoping its never needed though, of course!).

We protect what we love, so I find a sword to be far more meaningful than a ring (a double intertwined ring is better than a basic ring though).


Not only do I own a real sword, I accidentally stabbed my ankle once, meaning that I am one of the few living humans with an actual sword wound, scar and all.


You are also the sole survivor of your sword rampage!




As that quote reads, a Man/Woman decides for themselves what is or isn't childish based on the life they live and have lived.

My personal POV is never stop thinking, dreaming, living and experiencing through your own eyes.


A critic I can respect even if I disagree with his review.


Let me add, from C.S. Lewis

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

..... including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

Those who are adult and childish both are the happiest, and often the most well read people around.


đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť If your browser doesn't show you, those are 4 thumbs up!!

..... including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

Those who are adult and childish both are the happiest, and often the most well read people around.
It doesn't matter if the film is Good or Not Good. Make up your own mind based on your own viewing.


I have no opinion on the movie since I haven't seen it yet. I was only commenting on some reviewers (and people on these boards) who equate "adult" with good and "childish" with bad. Those who believe that no "adult" should like, or even want to see, a movie they believe to "be made for children."


..and I was agreeing with you as well as applauding the words.


My apologies. I misinterpreted your comment. My error.


I'm seeing it in IMAX on Thursday night. I'll let you know if you should consider reconsidering. :)


Looking forward to the giant monster action.




57% on RT after 40 reviews


Not bad for a giant monster movie.


Reviews can be tilted because critics rarely choose movies out of desire, its their job, so its basically a random population sample.

In reality, the reviews should be written by people interested in the movie, because movies are seen by people interested in seeing them.

That doesnt mean the review will automatically be positive, it means it will be in the proper context. You will remove those who were already against the genre itself, and the feedback in the review becomes more informative, more genre/fandom specific.


The Godzilla faithful keeping the RT audience score at 90%


All Godzillia movies are pretty crap tbh. I expected a crappy movie with monster fighting tho when I paid to see it. It had many problems but meh fighting titans is still kinda cool. 7/10
