MovieChat Forums > American Honey (2016) Discussion > A good film, but could have been so much...

A good film, but could have been so much better

I probably agree on it's 7 rating on IMDB. I preferred the film when the scenes were set around the crew rather then when they went out on their scams. Would have liked more of Riley Keough's character. I thought Shia LaBeouf gave one of his better performances in this. I think Sasha Lane delivered a star making performance. Out of the group, the only one I've seen before was Arielle Holmes as Pagan, as she was in the brilliant Heaven Knows What.

Did it need to be near 3 hours long, probably not. If it was dealing with other's in the group and not just on Sasha's and Shia's character's romance then I understand the running time. Some of the scamming scenes went on far too long and took away from getting to know the other group members.

To be fair, I could have done without the romance hogging most of the film time and more dealing with Sasha dealing with the other members of the group, and trying to get used to the new life she's living. I think it's a film still well worth checking out, but director Andrea Arnold has done better work, Fish Tank, Red Road and Wasp are far better films.


Totally agree with you..Too long for what the film displayed. The constant moving of the camera became tedious too. Shia La Beouf was excellent..He steals every scene hes in.
Small pet peeve.... she gave away that diamond ring when she was almost fired and the bear scene was not credible.
Fish Tank was a great film,, didnt know it was directed by the same person. I will check out Red Road an Wasp too.


I just watched Red Road and Wasp... Loved them both. This director is fabulous. She cast the same actress in both of the films. (The young mother in Wasp was April in Red Road)
If you have any other suggestions, I would appreciate it.


What do you mean scamming?
