Nerd rage is unbelievable
I said this on the board for Spider-Man: Homecoming but I can't believe how outraged and entitled nerds get about things like this. I've been a fan since the originals in 1993 when I was three years old and I'm very excited about this. It has the spirit there and it brings it into a modern, realistic setting. It looks like it is hitting that right balance of light hearted and dark and serious. I don't know what people were expecting? People in suits? Spandex? Things like this rarely live up to your expectations or what is built up in your head. That's hard to achieve.
For what it is, I like almost all of what I've seen. The megazord design is odd but considering it is alien technology it makes sense to me. I don't like that they cut out all the individual weapons or the power blaster. Alpha's design is something I'm iffy on and I dont like Goldar's design. Apart from that, I love the look of the rangers and Zordon. This looks like it will be fun and will respect the original series instead of *beep* on it like the Transformers movies have.
It seems like the geek/nerd community just complains about everything. Especially when it doesn't go their way or when something is changed.
I understand how passionate people are about characters like this, but there comes a time when you should just accept things and move on. A line exists between criticism and just whining and it gets crossed more times than it should. There's no point in getting worked up about something like a movie. The world has bigger problems than things like "the designs are weird" or "it doesn't look like the original series."
It happens with every movie like this, and I know I'm ranting, but every comic book movie or adaptation of material has groups of people acting like someone "ruined" their favorite character for some reason or another. Grow up! It never will be what is in your head and just because it is how you would do something isn't how it will end up done.
EDIT: I'd also, now that I think about, like to add that you can enjoy Power Rangers and Super Sentai at the same time. They don't have to be exclusive. For all the Sentai purists, not every Sentai season is great and I can't stand when you so called fans put PR down to build it up. You can say it's superior, that's your opinion. You can also say that you love both or think PR is better. That is fine too. But to put someone down or just complain because one is different from the one cares.
"There are no two words deadlier in the English language than 'good job'."-Whiplash