MovieChat Forums > Elle (2016) Discussion > 3/10 for Huppert's performance, the rest...

3/10 for Huppert's performance, the rest is the most ridiculus trash.

My main problems with the film:

-Two posh middle-aged women that run a gaming company?

-The game looks like it was made for the playstation two, the demonstration of it at the launch-party runs with approx. 10 fps, nice game, 1/10 would throw it into the bin, who is the director trying to fool?

-The main character is implausible. Her father shooting people from door to door, her consequential lack of empathy and coldness, the way she behaves after getting raped, her excuse for not calling the police (afraid of publicity which could ruin her career and everything she built) is illogical since she is the victim. Being a victim of rape again in another false light; depicted as something shameful.

-The neighbour is the epitome of a cliché rapist in film; the nice guy next door with the party in the basement. I knew that he was the guy the first time I saw him.

-Religion/Belief abused to legitimize his deeds, can't people just be sick? It's one of the oldest shoes.

-The son. Hands down, the most cringe-worthy character I have ever seen. Yes yes, I got it, he just wants to be a nice daddy and is generally depicted as utterly stupid, but cmon, his girlfriend gives birth to a black kid and he is happy about it, sure.

-Because there are not enough shalllow characters yet, let's introduce the lesbian friend who admires her for her whole life and adds nothing to the plot!

I could look over one or two aspects, for example that these women are supposed to run a gaming company, but all of this together is just the most ridiculus pile of cinematic garbage I have seen in a good time, it looks like Verhoeven tried to fuse Basic Instinct with La Pianiste and the outcome is just beyond horrible.


I was unsure of this going in. Was it going to be gratuitous trash or a hard look at one woman's rape experience.

Having seen it I'd say it's 60/40. I had a lot of problems with the movie. This scene at the beginning would have been plenty for her to get herself together and start a plan of action. A lot of women don't call the police but after she finds out who he is and… Other things happen I found it ridiculous that she wouldn't call them.

I think the video game aspect was a mistake. The graphics did not look very up-to-date and it seemed a little unrealistic that she wouldn't have at least one male partner near the top with her in the company. Gaming is a real male dominated industry, I'm not saying that woman can't run a company but you would think she would want a young man's insight on a high level.

I'd say the only reason to see it is for Isabelle Humppert. I wouldn't mind if she won the Oscar especially since Portman is up with Jackie.



It's funny, if you didn't watch the movie and someone read your post, it would sound like you're stretching in certain areas. You're right though, with the exception of the son being the most cringe-worthy character ever. I've seen worse. Everything else is pretty spot on.
