MovieChat Forums > V/H/S Viral (2014) Discussion > So let's talk about the Parallel Univers...

So let's talk about the Parallel Universe segment

So I was pretty into this right up until the point where he goes out side and sees the blimp with the upside down cross, and I'm thinking "Ok, so it's a mirror universe where Satanism trumped Christianity as the dominant religion... of COURSE they would be practicing weird devil rituals and orgies and whatnot on a Wednesday evening. What a cool concept!"

Are we on the same page? That's what you were thinking too, right?

And then weird glowy eyed bearded guys in 70's era running shorts happened, and penis creatures. And vagina teeth. And the whole thing fell apart.

Umm. 'k?

Anyone else feel like the set-up is a huge missed opportunity?


I was kinda thinking the same thing. This part left me like wtf?


I agree, too much dependance on supernatural nonsense.



Agree 100%, I told the girl I watched it with the same thing. The concept had me really intrigued, you knew something would be different when one was the wedding photo and one was the ritual thing. Then the penis monster hand puppet things were just so low brow and lame. There wasn't even room in there boxers for them, and I was hoping they'd cover what they were supposed to do with that bag hanging by the noose that was on screen for like 5 minutes.

Yup, huge blown opportunity.

And you are an idiot! Yes you, the person who made the sig look like part of the message!


Yeah, pretty much everyone I talked to about the movie agreed. Also, the effects were kinda cheesy. I love practical effects, but they ruined the great buildup.


Really really cool beginning to this segment and I was absolutely loving it, including the creepy blimp with the upside down cross and big loud-speakers. Thought this was going to be excellent. Great concept...parallel world with satanic ritual as the normal household routine..and the wife just wondering why he isn't going along like they normally do. I love when she gestures to the bloody bag hanging by the rope...just wondering why he isn't doing the thing he obviously should be doing with the bloody bag. I love how annoyed and impatient she is with him and how he's trying to act like everything's okay. A really brilliant premise. I was really so into this story.
Then it all went to crap.
This whole film was such an absolute let down. I like the first two vhs movies and I have a real LOVE of horror anthology movies, even when the segments are hit and miss. I thought this segment had the potential to be the only hit among the other misses....and, to me, that would still qualify as a good horror anthology. I'm VERY easy to please when it comes to horror anthologies. Just one good segment and the rest can be crap and I'll consider it okay. But this was not okay. What a bummer.


They blew it with the goofy genitals. I loved how the parallels continued at the end with each wife killing her own husband in their basement for something that the parallel husband did. It was still a good episode.


I mentioned in another thread I saw this segment without subtitles, which really added a different layer to it.

I agree that the premise of a world where Satanism is preferred over Christianity, as viewed by a normal person, is a truly unique and intriguing idea, and it was a shame when it went all wereweiner and stuff.

I also though the ending was pretty lame; the guy gets back and isn't concerned about his wife after seeing the guy covered in blood?


He was worried about his wife, the normal guy. Or do you mean the "other" guy, that he wasn't worried? Maybe in their world, being covered in blood after "playing" is normal, because evil Marta just assumed Alfonso played on his own with the other guys.


I think they made a mistake with the demonic genitalia; it was a good story that didn't really need any "gimmicks." The supernatural glowing eyes didn't actually confuse me; I assumed since the world embraced Satan, demonic activity increased on Earth and changed them physically.


I think it was a bit of a mis-step but it didn't spoil what was, for me, the best segment in the anthology.
And I quite liked the skaters story.

"Hot lesbian witches!"


I agree with the others here, this started as an excellent segment with the fact that satanism seems to be the leading religion in the alternate universe but it went down crashing once the demon penis and vagina things appeared.

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.
