MovieChat Forums > V/H/S Viral (2014) Discussion > Bottom Line - Is this worth $10.00

Bottom Line - Is this worth $10.00

Assuming that the only good stories are "Dante the Great" and "Parallel Monsters" and knowing I am too much of a stick-in-the-mud to watch without paying, are these two segments worth $10.00? I thank you for your opinions.


"Dante the Great" is terrible.

They spend the only 2 minutes of found-footage in the entire segment, weakly explaining why the rest of the segment is not found-footage.

Yes, you read that right. The 'best' found-footage segment in this film is not found-footage.

It starts off as a biopic, abandons that style, does 2-minutes of hilariously explaining why the next 8 minutes of goofy fisticuffs is filmed 'proper-like' like a bad multi-camera action sequence in a syfy film, with smashcutting, and rough blocking to capture all the action.

Edit: the only found-footage in a really terrible segment, found-footage or otherwise, is explaining why the segment is not found-footage. Segment fails on all levels, some of them pretty meta, but the segment does not seem to realize that.

One of the longest VHS segments in the history of this sad franchise only has two minutes of found-footage in it, as a contrivance to apologize the previous element and kinda goofily explain why the rest of the segment does not look like found footage, but a traditional garbage level segment in a cheap straight-to-DVD production.

Again, all these people are clearly liars or morons when they say this is the strongest segment in their favorite found footage franchise. Really? The segment that had to take a time-out and explain why it's not found-footage? They opened with this segment? WTF?!


It's not just about being down $10.00. It's time you will never be able to reclaim that you will have spent watching a risible excuse for a movie.

You could make your own better feature for $10.00.


wtf those are the worst in the whole movie...

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


pappaus you'd be better off spending $10 on a bag of **** than this.


Even if it's free it's not worth it. I just finished watching this piece of crap and I'm pissed for wasting my time.


rent it for free at the library.. If you like it, buy it :P


sure, why not? it's ludicrous, with elephantine-sized plot holes to watch out for - i.e. the murdering magician finds it necessary to film his crimes for some...unknowably stupid reason, all the while the audience is well aware that the ACTUAL reason is because this movie has to play by the so very...VERY tired "found footage" gimmick, natch. (the 'found footage' thing being, in my opinion not only popularized, but PERFECTED by that little movie called "The Blair Witch Project" - And boy do I ever know how alone in THAT opinion i am, but still - as far as i'm concerned, it's a blindingly effective horror flick.)

having said that, it's all entertaining enough, and if you get a few friends/girlfriends over, get liquored-up and watch this silliness in your "loosened" state...? you may actually have a great, hilarious time. and what's THAT worth?? certainly more than ten dollars - that is for certain.
