MovieChat Forums > The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (2015) Discussion > Why have late-night hosts been silent on...

Why have late-night hosts been silent on Tara Reade's sexual assault allegation Joe Biden?

John Oliver and Bill Maher have been the only late-night hosts to mention Reade and her allegation against the Democratic frontrunner. Other late-night hosts have been strangely silent, says Marlow Stern. That's in sharp contract to late-night's treatment of sexual misconduct allegations against President Trump. "Among the late-night set, the only hosts to address the Reade story were HBO’s John Oliver and Bill Maher," says Stern. "And they did so in passing, with Oliver issuing a disclaimer of sorts that she 'deserves to be heard' before moving on to the latest Trump scandal, and Maher, a noted #MeToo critic, dismissing it by saying he thought it was 'ridiculous and that it would go away and no one would pay any attention to it.' The big four politically inclined late-night hosts, however—(Stephen) Colbert, (Jimmy) Kimmel, (Seth) Meyers and (Trevor) Noah? Radio silence. Instead of addressing it on his popular Late Show program, Colbert relegated the Reade news to his new Tooning Out the News animated series, albeit in a rather playful bit poking fun at her upcoming interview with Megyn Kelly."
