Lisa's a bitch

Episode three. Bar scene. Lisa, a pretty girl without a ring on her finger, is drinking a beer alone when some douchey guy begins flirting with her using the cliched "you should smile" line. Lisa, instead of informing the guy she's got a boyfriend and isn't interested in his lame come ons, immediately goes into full out snarky bitch mode. Douchey guy then responds in kind.

Up until this point, only words have been exchanged. Lisa changes this by initiating violence in the form of sticking the lit end of her cigarette into douchey guy's neck. Douchey guy gets pissed off and begins motioning toward Lisa as if he's going to violently retaliate. Luckily for her, White Knight Jay comes to the rescue just in time and forcefully removes douchey guy from the bar, all while Lisa sits there with a smugly satisfied look on her face.

Now, other than providing feminist viewers with a "you go girl!" propaganda moment, what was the point of this scene? Because all it conveyed to me was that Lisa's a huge, entitled bitch.


Not a bitch, just an edge to her. she is a female working in a serious MMA gym and managing fighters....
The point of the overall scene was to emphasize how undervalued and lonely Lisa felt in her personal life. Yes, Jay cheers her up once she is wasted but she doesnt want to be at the bar drinking alone at this stage in her life. She is visibly annoyed and frustrated prior to the interaction so she reacted....

Women putting down other women.... Insecure much?


Not a bitch, just an edge to her.
She is not edgy, she is one of those women who actually takes no responsibility for her own actions. The type of woman that will start something and then have a man finish it off for her. If that guy had have retaliated (and he would have had every right to in an equal world), it would not have been her squaring up for the fight, it would have been a man. I've know plenty of women like her. Women that start sh!t up and leave other people to clean up after them. Not a feminist, not strong, not edgy, just a stupid bitch, who perpetuates stereotypes, and helps ensure the road to equality between men and women is going nowhere fast.

Women putting down other women
Women should put down women like her because she is the type of woman that sets all women back. She makes choices and then blames the outcome on other people. She chooses to give everything over to Alvey, she chooses not to have her own career, she chooses to get involved with a man that has two children, a wife he has not divorced, and the coach of her ex-fiancé. She has made all of her own choices, no-one has forced her to do anything. So she hasn't been forced into anything but she blames, whines and excuses herself on every front when her choices don't deliver a bed of roses. Another thing that really bothers me about her character is the fact that she only gets away with most of her behaviour because of her looks. She is the anti-feminist.
.... Insecure much?
So are you trying to make women feel insecure about speaking out about female characters that stereotypically encourage women not to own their choices, and to behave in childish ways that they only get away with because of their looks?

------------------------------+ MARINES KILL ON THREE [g.k]


"White knight" ... a term used exclusively by misogynist douchebags and Internet no-lives.
