Lisa's a bitch

Episode three. Bar scene. Lisa, a pretty girl without a ring on her finger, is drinking a beer alone when some douchey guy begins flirting with her using the cliched "you should smile" line. Lisa, instead of informing the guy she's got a boyfriend and isn't interested in his lame come ons, immediately goes into full out snarky bitch mode. Douchey guy then responds in kind.

Up until this point, only words have been exchanged. Lisa changes this by initiating violence in the form of sticking the lit end of her cigarette into douchey guy's neck. Douchey guy gets pissed off and begins motioning toward Lisa as if he's going to violently retaliate. Luckily for her, White Knight Jay comes to the rescue just in time and forcefully removes douchey guy from the bar, all while Lisa sits there with a smugly satisfied look on her face.

Now, other than providing feminist viewers with a "you go girl!" propaganda moment, what was the point of this scene? Because all it conveyed to me was that Lisa's a huge, entitled bitch.


No propaganda here, and I don't think Lisa is a bxtch.

I think its to show us Lisa isn't always giving and understanding. She seems to act rude to anyone she considers a threat or outsider. However I think in the future Lisa will piss off a lot of viewers, because she wants things her way and I believe she will eventually start doing shady things, but not out of anger or revenge. Just looking for security.

Give Lisa a chance, only one wrong so far.


Thanks for the reply, YayNikay.

I think its to show us Lisa isn't always giving and understanding. She seems to act rude to anyone she considers a threat or outsider.

I can definitely see this. Although I thought this was already a pretty well established character trait of hers. Even through just the first two episodes, she came off to me as someone who could be sweet and playful with those she trusted while maintaining a stern, no nonsense approach toward those she either didn't know or knew were up to no good (Ryan, for example). I guess I just don't see the need to further emphasize this with that bar scene, which did nothing for me except make me dislike her.

Not that I've written her character off completely, mind you. I'm willing to see how things play out. I think her read on Ryan is pretty sound, and I'm sure Alvey will regret not heeding her advice after all is said and done. Great show so far.


Guys like you need a few more cigarettes put off on your gross, misogynistic hide.


You're a *beep* idiot, Jade.


Yeah, I really can't say I empathized with that guy at all. And there's no "feminist propaganda" here, I'm a dude. Think of it this way, if a random guy comes up to you at the bar and overtly disrespects you (as a man), you might use your fists to express your anger at being treated in such a manner. But women don't have that option, so Lisa did what she felt she had to do to get the guy away from her, because he obviously wasn't going to leave her alone and she felt threatened. I'm not saying she handled it perfectly, but I certainly don't think that it makes her a bitch. Some women may have tossed a drink in his face, this one just happened to opt for a more painful sentiment. Besides, the guy wasn't simply "douchey", he was bordering on abusive and was lucky that he didn't get worse than a minor cigarette burn.

Lisa seems to be a fairly straight-up girl to me. She was initially pretty cold to Ryan, but we still don't know what he did to deserve that. He obviously screwed a lot of people over in a major way and Lisa appears to have been hurt the most. Outside of that, and her treatment of a deserving a-hole at the bar I can't recall her acting bitchy or treating anybody unfairly. To me, she comes off as somebody who is fairly easy to get along with as long as you don't screw her over or disrespect her. In a man those are respected qualities, why not for a woman? Naw, Lisa's not a bitch in my book. I admire women like her.



Think of it this way, if a random guy comes up to you at the bar and overtly disrespects you (as a man), you might use your fists to express your anger at being treated in such a manner.

Maybe. But it wouldn't be appropriate given the circumstances. Plus, as a guy, I know full well that if I initiate violence against another guy, I should expect to get hit back. Lisa on the other hand knew full well that she was untouchable because there were plenty of men around (including Jay) who were more than happy to white knight for her.

But women don't have that option, so Lisa did what she felt she had to do to get the guy away from her, because he obviously wasn't going to leave her alone and she felt threatened.

No, they have the option of getting men to do their battles for them. And some of them take ample advantage of this natural male protectionist tendency, Lisa included apparently. And, no, I don't agree that it was obvious that douchebag guy wasn't going to leave her alone. Who knows how things turn out if she doesn't put her cigarette out on the guy's neck. Maybe he continues to engage her even after she's made it clear she wants none of it. If so, I'm sure the bar staff would have taken care of it. There was no excuse for doing what she did. The fact that people are actually defending her actions is incredible, though not very surprising.

Some women may have tossed a drink in his face, this one just happened to opt for a more painful sentiment.

And what if he just "opted" to retaliate? Would that be fair game? Or are violent interactions between men and women only one-way streets?

Besides, the guy wasn't simply "douchey", he was bordering on abusive and was lucky that he didn't get worse than a minor cigarette burn.

"Abusive"? For what, talking to her at the bar? I suppose he did lightly brush his hand against her back before sitting down next to her, which, while inappropriate, is hardly tantamount to "abuse." Do you believe women are such delicate flowers that mere annoyance from douchebags at bars is borderline abuse?


Agreed. I like her and that guy was a massive douchebag.

"She hasn't even read the books..." - OursIsTheQueenInTheNorth


I don't know what show you've been watching but pay closer attention. She's a great character, completely normal, completely human. One little scene that didn't go how you imagined it in your head and WOW..WHAT A BITCH. No. And don't go for the feminist strawman that mostly exists in your dreams. It made the post even lamer.


It's nice to see a sane reaction here on the boards. The incessant woman-hating is... sad is the word that comes to mind. If that guy dislikes Lisa because of the way she acted that one time, he must really hate ALL of the other characters on the show, right? Because they're all extremely flawed individuals, that have done innumerable questionable things. Wait, no. That's not how misogyny works.

You saw Dingleberries?


She's a character on a tv show... It's fiction...


She's a character on a tv show... It's fiction...

Really?! Well, gee. Thanks, Goombas. Up until now I thought this was all real!


Yup, and Kiele Sanchez is a TERRIBLE actress, she should be booted NOW.

Dead Or Alive, Your Coming With Me!


It was a little extreme, but I think they're just trying to show us that she's not always super-nice.


This is a great show, apart from Lisa. She is a ridiculous, entitled bitch. I can't understand why the show's creator has centred the show around her.

------------------------------+ MARINES KILL ON THREE [g.k]


x .....Lisa is a Bitch with a capital B...
