Animal abuse

I can't get over the fact that he tortured (jumped on) and killed that turtle.

Are we supposed to feel sympathy towards this animal abuser? Disgusting.

This otherwise boring film should have ended with him getting caught abusing the turtle and getting shot in the face.



yea i kinda agree on that.
once he killed the turtle (just let him die in agony)
i just felt too bad,
and all the woman stuff etc felt tasteless.


He thought that the turtle was stopping him from leaving the island and he did regret it later. You would know it if you watched the film properly.


yes i know i watched it properly.
it was just too cruel.
i'd rather he enjoyed living with a real turtle than with an imaginary family.


For sure, was too cruel!

But it was coherent to advance the narrative... so I think it isn't a flaw.

This movie is gorgeous in so many ways. It's sad that some people didn't get into it because of isolated details.


He put a HUGE amount of work into building those rafts, over and over and over again. And all he knew was that the turtle kept ruining his rafts/work, and keeping him stranded on the island. He wanted to go 'home' back to his life. If it'd been you, you'd have been fine with the turtle doing that to you?


If you try to murder someone, and then this person survives, it does not make it okay.

Whether you succeed or not, you are a murderer at heart.

If you see someone stabbing a dog, and it turns out the dog survives, does it make it okay? What kind of logic is that?



If the dog was a threat to the stabber, I'd help take down the dog. Then to add insult to injury, I'd have the owner, if any arrested.


I guess OP is just trolling the self-proclaimed animal-rights-activists on these boards that hate a film when it depicts an animal dying or being hurt.

I mean, he can't be serious.


I, too, thought he was "trolling" but that reply to Just_your_average_guy...



It's not the fact of seeing an animal dying, it's the fact of condoning animal abuse and taking the abuser's side.

In what world was it okay to kill a turtle by jumping on her and breaking her shell?

It's not a matter of principle or animal activism or whatever, i just felt really disgusted when i saw this and i could feel nothing but hatred towards this man.



Which is pretty much intended. The world isn't black and white, sometimes you do evil things to survive (he actually could also eat it as turtles were quite popular as a food source once upon a time).

I was also disgusted by his action even though his rage is absolutely justified. But again the bitter irony is that once he regrets his actions, it's too late. Hasn't that happened in one form or another in everybody's life? In a film full of metaphors and deeper meaning, I felt the scenes around the killing of the turtle were very strong.


Nobody says it is easy to watch, and it shouldn't be.

It is still part of the story and if you like it or not, it was actually understandable that the guy would react like that, seeing as he was desperate, isolated, hopeless and possibly already suffered from some kind of mental breakdown. From his point of view the turtle was what was standing in the way to his escape from the Island, his salvation if you will. That is totally different from the movie condoning the killing of the turtle or any other animal abuse.


You live on a secluded island for that amount of time, building a raft that takes much work and labor, and when some being ruins it, over and over and over again, you don't think you'd be super upset? The guy wanted to leave the island, he was willing to risk his life to get back to the world he knew. The turtle kept him from doing that - he didn't know why. I still don't know why. He wasn't the type to enjoy hurting things, he was upset that the turtle ruined his rafts over and over and over again, keeping him from leaving. Why don't you at least mention that?


It was a bit of a shame, but I agree with the posts saying that turtle was what was keeping him from getting off the island, so he wanted to remove that threat at the time.

And if he got shot in the face, that probably would've meant he did manage to get off the island, and I'm assuming he came from one... civilization.

ORANGE for all


Are you all serious?
The turtle was a real threat and was keeping him from getting off of the island and the only way of getting rid of it was killing it.
What would you do in a situation like this? Let the turtle live and try again and again until you run out of wood or die? Me? I would've killed the turtle instantly and not even regret it.It was obviously hostile towards me getting of the island and it deserved to die


Oh man.

Isn't this, like, the whole basis for every belief system devised by humans?

You screwed up, you know you did something wrong. So what happens tomorrow?
