Why is this film?

It’s taken me 4 years to get 3/4 of the way through this film. I watch 15 minutes or so whenever I can’t be bothered to start anything else and am sat on my couch with a few moments to kill.

I was drawn to it because it miraculously stars my two favourite actors - Al Pacino and Anthony Hopkins, but minutes into watching it I couldn't believe how terrible the writing and direction were. I now watch it for unintended laughs and to marvel at how something like this could possibly exist.

Pacino and Hopkins don’t need the money. Did they meet at some Hollywood event and get drunk together, and decide to lend their legendary talents to the worst possible script they could find for a private joke??

The director doesn't even qualify as a hack. A first year film school undergrad could do better. Every directorial choice is… wrong. The shots are weird. It’s unclear what’s going on. Great and good actors deliver universally bad performances. Nothing feels real in what is supposed to be a legal thriller. The dialogue is hilariously awful in what is supposed to be a deadly serious film.

Someone, please explain to me how a film like this comes into being 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
