Really Cool Movie But I HATED The Ending (SPOILERS)
BIG, I'm not kidding.
The good news is that Mel Gibson is back. The bad news is the ending of this movie just sunk it in my eyes. This is certainly not “Mel Gibson’s Taken” because the flavor is completely different and there certainly will never be any sequels. The movie is as gritty as it gets and it’s very very dark. You do connect with Gibson’s character and that’s what makes the ending so disappointing. Killing him off just flat out sucked. It’s actually a predictable resolution because it’s simply THAT kind of movie. Yes, the more complex notions of complete redemption for the character are certainly palpable and the final shot of his tattoo showing him no longer being a “lost soul” is moving and artist. Yet, I wanted more tangible satisfaction from this story. His daughter’s final summation helps but you still leave the theatre on a downer note.
Overall: 6/10 because of the ending.
Had he lived 8/10
"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."