MovieChat Forums > Paper Towns (2015) Discussion > Where does a girl like Margo actually en...

Where does a girl like Margo actually end up?

Where do these free spirit, live one day at a time, in the moment type girls end up? I feel like as fun as it might be to live your life as one giant adventure, it would eventually come back to bite you in the ass.

Do these types of girls suffer from basic life struggles like:

Paying your rent in full and on time.
Finding anything other than a minimum wage job.
Friends getting sick of letting you crash on their couches.
A resume filled with jobs that never last more than a few weeks & months.
A boss.

And if not, how?

Is it as simple as them being able to use their good looks to get guys to go through these things for them?

I'm not trying to be bitter or sexist, I'd love to know a girl like this but I cant imagine its an easy existence.


In France, doing lesbian porn, hoping to hook up with some scuzz celebrities who will give her a free ride while she is young and can lick it good.
