MovieChat Forums > Grace and Frankie (2015) Discussion > Only annoyance is the Intro and Theme so...

Only annoyance is the Intro and Theme song

Petty argument I'll agree, but really, why do we need an intro for a Netflix series? I mean, you know it's starting, you're starting it!

With network and cable programing, the theme music signals to put down what you're doing, run to the head, then to the refrigerator and plop down in front of the set as the show is starting.

Sort of an unnecessary thing with a show that works via an app on your television. I could see using it for the first few episodes, but they should do away with it next season and give us thirty seconds more programing.



I agree -- I always skip the intro! The show is pretty short, and the theme intro takes up a lot of time. The visuals seem designed for people who have never seen the show before... which on Netflix isn't really necessary.

Plus I don't like the song. If it were something I enjoyed hearing or seeing I might watch it from time to time.


I like it, but not with every episode. When I first watched this show, Netflix would play the theme song for the first episode I watched and skipped it for each successive episode until I closed the app and started watching it again later. It's stopped doing that, and I don't know why. It's something I'd like to have for all of the shows. The theme song for OITNB drives me crazy after a while.


I hate the song and always fast-forward it.


I like this one but utterly despise the theme song and intro to Orange Is The New Black!!
Now that is awful!!


I do so


I don't mind it and I actually like the different ending songs each episode. I like waiting to see what it's going to be.


Annoying intros really seem to be a Netflix affliction. The quirky songs are usually OK, but the images are assembled in such a tacky, sloppy way, that they really grate. They really need to hire some people from the cable networks to show them how to assemble intros.

As another poster said - if well done, intros can pull the viewer into the mood of the show. The best ones cause a sort of Pavlovian response - the X-Files, for example, could never be as iconic as it is without its distinct, instantly recognisable theme music. Lost did it backwards - the closing 'boom, LOST' shot is what triggers the response.


It would have been better if they would use the original version of the song though.

dies ist meine unterschrift




It would have been better if they would use the original version of the song though.

Kaufman said she knew she wanted "Stuck In The Middle With You" but people warned her against using Steelers Wheel's version because of the mental image that people have of the torture scene in Reservoir Dogs, with the song playing in the background. She decided to go with Grace Potter's version after seeing her on Conan.


I agree—this intro is WAY too long and I don't want to have that annoying song in my head. Hate skipping it, but must.

It's nothing, however, compared to the over-long Orange is the New Black intro, with all those way too close head shots. I can't stand seeing them; they're unnerving.


I always bypass the theme song for this show. I don't mind intro songs but this one gets annoying when you're binge watching. On the other hand I can't get enough of the theme songs for 'The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Orange is the New Black
