MovieChat Forums > Incredibles 2 (2018) Discussion > Incredibles 2 DESTROYED the animated ope...

Incredibles 2 DESTROYED the animated opening record! Possible $180M+ OW and A+ Cinemascore! Disney is HOT again!!!

It has smashed Finding Dory's OW record of $135M with projections currently at $180M. It's previews of $18.5M was actually double the previous animated record and higher than any superhero preview in 2017. The fact an animated movie is opening this big is a crazy result. Only 4 films this year have received the coveted A+ Cinemascore with the only big budget one being Black Panther and we all know how that turned out in the box office! :D

It's funny to think that Disney is having a very bipolar DOMESTIC box office year thus far, whilst still destroying the competition with ease. They've gone from 'Black Panther' (MASSIVE hit) -> 'Wrinkle in time' (HUGE flop) -> 'Infinity War' (MASSIVE hit) -> 'Solo' (HUGE flop) -> 'Incredibles 2' (MASSIVE hit). It should stabilise with 'Ant-Man' (HUGE hit) -> 'Christopher Robin' (SOLID hit although could over-perform with empty August) -> 'Nutcracker' (SOLID hit although could flop imo) -> 'Wreck-it-Ralph' (HUGE hit) -> 'Mary Poppins' (HUGE hit). I have a feeling they're going to get close to their 2016 record of $3B but that will get smashed in 2019 anyways.


Yup, should have strong legs in the coming weeks too. Damn good movie.

Have a short review of this movie if anyone is interested-


Its entirely Possible Incredibles 2 could out gross Black Panther Domestically and make More than 700 Million....

I've been following box office for 15 years, but I want to make this clear, I do not follow animated films...But I've been doing to research and TI2 is going to be a juggernaut...

I do not have a full Gauge for how this film is going to perform overseas, I wont know until projections start coming in....But Domestically its going to be a Monster

Pixar/Animated films have incredible Legs, and TI2 has Excellent reviews and got a "A+" cinemascore...

for example Finding Dory opened to 135 million and ended up over 500 Million due to excellent legs....

now you've got TI2 opening over 180 M+, with Excellent reviews and An "A+" cinemascore...I predict were heading toward a domestic gross between 675 to 780 Million for TI2...

overseas might be anything from 500 to 800 Million, I'll have a much better estimate after projections come in...

TI2 is looking at Record Domestic numbers(either the 2nd or 3rd highest grossing domestic total ever) and a total gross of at least 1.2 to 1.5 Billion...

It Will be Pixar's highest grossing film of ALL TIME....

It Will be Disney 3rd 1.2 Billion dollar + film this year


Yeah, theoretically it could with the usual Pixar legs but I'm happy regardless that it's making at least $500M because that was my initial hope. The release date is incredibly staggered because of the World Cup so I can't really put my finger on it's International gross and where it may land.

Do you see Disney beating the studio DOMESTIC record this year? It has at least $35M from Solo and Infinity War left so that's $1.8B. Another minimum of $500M from TI2 is $2.3B. Then bare minimums of $200M/$200M from Ant-Man/Wreck-It-Ralph plus bare minimums $125M/$125M/$150M from Christopher Robin/Nutcracker/Mary Poppins. I'm using the lowest potential earnings and it still seems like it'll get there with ease.



Finding Dory made 486 million domestically, not "over 500 million".

Your international predictions are way too high as Pixar is kind of like Star Wars as they are a successful domestic brand but not as much so overseas. Coco was the exception as it over performed in China. Universal/Illumination is the true international powerhouse which is frustrating as they produce cheap crap.

Also, this is playing more like a superhero film than an animated film. So far, the audience has been 70% adults with a huge portion not accompanied with children. This suggests nostalgia and not so much a film today's kids want to see so it probably won't leg out like a normal animated film and to think this is going to do BP numbers is kind of silly(no offense).

reply it still on track to "possibly outgross Black Panther" and go over 700 million domestically? I mean you've "been following box office for over 15 years" and all. Surely you're right.

Oh wait a minute....looks like I2 took a terrible hit this weekend and lost a 100 million. Nevermind.


Up to 780 million domestic and 1.5 billion worldwide, huh?


this is gonna sound fishy....

but I never meant 780 M....

I thought I typed 675 to 700 M.....I Made another post, and It I correctly typed 675 to 700 M

Obviously I dont expect you to believe me, but thats the truth...

next, is there any reason why you left out My FULL Prediction?

My full prediction was...675 to 700 M domestically and between 1.2 to 1.5 B....

My prediction is gonna be extremely close, TI2 is gonna finish somewhere between 600 to 640 Million domestically....and between 1.1 to 1.2 B...

I'm literally going to be with 5 to 10% BOTH ways..

The 1.5 Billion was an Absolute MAX if it Exploded in CHINA, again unlike you I actually think about my predictions, and I took into account the possibility of TI2 exploding in Chiina, I didnt expect it too, but there was at least a small chance so that why I predicted 1.2 to 1.5 B and predicted 500 to 800 M Overseas.....thats way to big Of a gap, predicting a film to make something between 500 to 800 Million is Just A GUESS....I wouldnt do that, But in this case I did because I wanted to leave the do0r open for an explosion in China

regardless it doesnt matter because My prediction was between 1.2 to 1.5.....and its going to get to or get very close to 1.2 B....

also queen, Just a thought.....maybe not a good idea to call someone else out for MISSING on a Prediction when YOU RIGHT NOW are currently MISSING by OVER 500 MILLION on Jurassic World 2.

lol just a you did predict many times JW2 would make between 185 to 200 M on OW and make over 1.5 B.....

Deadline is reporting a 145 Million OW and forecasting a 1 to 1 .1 Billion total what is that a 40 to 55 Million dollar OW MISS and 400 to 500 Million dollar MISS on its total?

lol whats frightening is You may actually be feel good about it....I mean SADLY it is an improvement for you....

YOU MISSED by 81 Million On Black Panther OW
MISSED by 71 Million on TLJs OW
MISSED by 56 Million On Justice Leagues OW
MISSED by 32 Million on Ready Player Ones OW
and Now by 40 to 55 Million On JW2

lol hilariously its actually your Second BEST

also do you remember what my prediction was for JW2?

Oh ya, ....130 to 160 M on OW and between 1.2 to 1.4 B.....once again I'm gonna nail it and get within 5 t0 10% fact of the day....

did you know after TI2 makes over 1 Billion....Disney Will have 19 of the 35 films that have made 1 Billion +



@ Dirty Dozen

Disney's two massive flops were very expensive for them. A Wrinkle in Time did virtually NO International business to speak of and Solo...well it's still undetermined how many hundreds of millions they will end up losing on that but one thing is for's catastrophic.

Their upcoming slate for the rest of the year is hardly surefire. The two "surefire hits" are sequels to films that weren't huge hits in the first place(Ant Man and Wreck-it-Ralph). Ant Man isn't tracking THAT much higher than the first(currently 75 million) and Wreck It Ralph will be contending with the ultimate Disney-killer Universal/Illumination and their animated The Grinch which has the added power of also being a holiday movie.

I wouldn't bet money on any of the rest being hits(Christopher Robin/Nutcracker/Mary Poppins) as I would being expensive flops.

Time will tell.


We won’t know exactly how much they’ve lost until Deadline Hollywood do their end of the year Box Office reports. One thing for sure is Disney’s MASSIVE profits from the other movies this year will ensure they’re once again the most successful and profitable studio in 2018. Gotta take those risks to be king :D

You’re still doubting the HOTTEST sub studio in Marvel Studios after 2 x $600M in the one year? LOL. You should join the winning side, Queen! It’s so much more fun plus there’s cookies and milk I promise! XD

I’m predicting a decent bump to those 2 popular movies plus modest totals for the others with CR/MP2 having potentially to exceed and TN having potential to fail. What numbers are you predicting for them exactly?


Disney's two massive flops were very expensive for them. A Wrinkle in Time did virtually NO International business to speak of and Solo...well it's still undetermined how many hundreds of millions they will end up losing on that but one thing is for's catastrophic.


queen do you think ever just once you might try and think or even remotely do any research before trolling...

The numbers are already out....

Disney made 500 Million + in Profit from Black Panther
700 M+ in Profit from AIW
417 M in Profit from TLJ
414 M in Profit from Beauty and The Beast
174 Million from Thor 3
154 Million from GOTG2
150 M+ in Profit from Coco
120 M+ in Profit from Pirates 5

thats Literally just the last 18 months....Disneys gone 10 and 2

the 10 Successful films have made them a combined 2.629 Billion in Profit

now heres the part that makes you look really dumb, of course This ^ above makes you look dumb too, to somehow ignore a 10-2 record resulting in 2.629 Billion is DUMB....but whats makes you even Dumber is...."catastrophic"

lets just assume the Absolute WORST....lets Assume Disney is gonna lose between 175 to 200 Million on SOLO.....and between 75 to 100 Million on could be less than that but I'm literally just gonna go with the WORST possible Scenario here

thats what ? ....250 to 300 Million in Total loses for Disney on 2 Flops?

Queen whats 2.629 BILLION minus 300 M?



Its still Disney easily being the highest grossing and most profitable Studio of the last 18 Months right?

this is what about talking about....You do not think at all before posting....

you just tried to spit out some absolute garbage trying to spin Disney's current status as "catastrophic".....When Truly the only possible outlook is "Unprecedented Success"

lol yes Disney had 2 HUGE flops....those 2 huge flops Wont even cost them 20% of thier overall Profits....

"catastrophic" means awful Queen, A DIRE situation....

for example...You could call WB's year last year and this year "catastrophic".....Having 6 Massive flops that DEVOURED somewhere between 60 to 90% of all their profits from their few successful films like Wonder Woman and "It" is "catastrophic"

queen I understand that you have a burning hatred for Disney....I understand that Disney is making your life hell by Literally OWNING Hollywood the last 5 years.....I understand that you have gotten great joy from Disney having to flops recently....but I'll I ask is, If your going to troll, at least least somewhat base your trolling on some form of trying to spin Disney status as "catastrophic"....Truly is delusional...Its not based in any form of reality, it truly ONLY EXISTS it your hate fueled fantasy world...

Literally all you had to do was just look at Disney last 18 Months, you would have seen they Made 10 MASSIVE HITS to only 2 would have seen The Profit they made from those 10 Massive Hits is literally 10 times what they lost on thier 2 Flops...

basically to put the nail in your coffin .....your just described Disney's current status(which is 10 -2 equaling 2.329 BILLION in Profit) as "catastrophic"

what does that make WB? "catastrophically DEAD"

what does that make Universal ,Sony, Fox ? None of them have a record like Disney....ALL OF THEM have MORE than 2 FLOPS in the last 18 months....NONE of them have made 2.329 Billion in Profits?


THINK Queen!

just think before you troll.....


awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww queen went bye bye when confronted with 2.629 Billion in Profit ....

queen went bye bye when couldnt think of a comeback for how if Disney's current status is "catastrophic" for going 10 -2 making 2.329 Billion in profit......then what is WB's status for having 6 massive flops that DEVOURED all their profit from WW and IT..

lol queen seriously can you find another major studio that has gonna 10-2(and the 10 have to be some what Equal to Disney 10....meaning can you can another studio that made over 400 million dollars in profit on 4 different films in the last 18 months, can you find another studio that made over 100 million in Profit on 6 other films in that last 18 months)....can you find another MAJOR studio that only has 2 flops, where those flops dont even equal 20% losses in thier overall profits(again a good example here is WB, which had HUGE flops like King Arthur,Blade Runner, Geo Storm, Justice League and Tomb Raider that easily Devoured 80 to 100% of the profits made from WW and IT)

these are "catastrophic" results queen..

I know you've gone Bye bye..and I dont except to response but maybe next time just do a little research....suggesting a Studios status is "catastrophic" when the reality is its LITERALLY having unprecedented success and Literally having upwards of 5 times that success of revival studios is plain SLOPPY and kind LAZY trolling.

actually the more I think about it...Its kind of poetic you hate Disney with a burning passion, Have had to watch for 5 years now why its OWNED Hollywood....and Finally Disney releases 2 FLOPS(exactly what you've been dreaming about) and hilariously you cant really enjoy the 2 flops, because Disneys 10 other MASSIVE HITS are so incredibly successful they basically make the 2 flops meaningless...

When you make 700 M in Profit from 1 fiilm...500 M from another and 400 M+ from 2 others....that kind takes fun of out of trolling on 2

lol somehow YOU STILL LOSE queen even when you get what you wait all this time for Disney to release some flops, and when it finally happens you cant enjoy the flops because Disney's unprecedented success in the last 18 months has rendered them Mute


Damn impressive.


I don't care. All of these "records" are absolutely meaningless to me because they give zero context and they don't have any real meaning as far as differentiating between different films that were highly successful. Since ticket prices keep going up and up and up. 3 dollars pictures in the 70's become 4-5 dollar tickets in the 80's and early 90's. Tickets are now 8-10 bucks......of course the moneys are ALWAYS going to go up. Yes, but what was seen more and more popular...Gone With the Wind, Jaws, Star Wars, Titanic, Avatar, The Avengers.......etc.? Get my point? Who knows, the money based on an ever inflating ticket price doesn't mean anything in the overall scheme.


TI2 still broke the animated movie record adjusted for inflation which was held by Shrek 2, although that will get broken again next year by Toy Story 4. It’s worth celebrating \o/
