The Violent Years (1956) already did a similar sort of things in the 50s almost 60 years ago.
And by that I mean, take a goofy and silly premise that involves young and attractive women turning to the dark sides and commit rights violating deeds and criminal offenses, often against people who don't deserve it, but in an unusual twist and turns of events, have them hurt and kill MEN, people who are usually known to be the violent predatory ones, and often but not limited to against women (and of course, many FILMS have been about that TOO) and in an even FURTHER less than usual turn of events, commit acts of violence or violation against men and crimes as such of a *gasp* sexual nature, and have the whole film basically play out as a silly sort of black comedy thriller as such with some horror elements and pseudo feminist vibe as such.
Watch both films back to back and you will no doubt detect similarities. Although one movie is a 1950s sort of C grade trashy black comedy, written by Ed Wood and another one is something around those lines but a MODERN 2010s one and is directed by Eli Roth, who is mostly known for his "torture porn"-type of "Hostel" and its ilk horror movies.
And I bet that even if The Violent Years (1956) by William Morgan wasn't quite an inspiration for this movie, then Eli Roth at least has seen it. I know that filmmaker John Waters has and he for one actually liked it. The band Ministry even used a sample of its "I don't care" quote in one of their songs too.
And by the way both this film and The Violent Years rate at 5/10 from me, which basically means it has some moments and merits, but is overall an average middle of the road film. Although TVY I personally actually "appreciate" a little more. Although it isn't even among Ed Wood-related BEST films (OK, Wood didn't direct it, but he wrote it, but aesthetically and style-wise, it has Ed Wood written all over it) and what's more - although I haven't yet seen much if any of his other films, its director William Morgan apparently made some BETTER films that actually have decent ratings, as opposed to The Violent Years, which is about 3.something out of 10 on IMDb.