
I could picture conservatives who like to call people communists like it's the 1950s fuming at the mere mention of the word communism in a positive light.


There's nothing positive about communism. If there was, we would know it by now.


That communism joke was just stupid. Made for stupid people.

Its not what communism was supposed to be what matters. It whats USSR freaks made it to be and what they did.

communism, political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society. Communism is thus a form of socialism—a higher and more advanced form, according to its advocates.

In USSR that "book" communism didnt exist. Nothing was owned by commune and people. Everything was owned by party, who elected leaders. Those leaders basically became dictators and were sitting in that chair until they died. People had nothing to say at who they want to lead them.

Commune (people) had no say in anything. They were silent slaves of the party leaders. Everyone who objected or questioned anything - went to prison for 15 years or was declared "enemy of the people" and executed.

That "book communism" never existed anywhere. Its not possible. And all those violent parodies on that like USSR, Cuba and Venezuela were very poor and pathetic. In their version of communism its not that "everyone were equal and great". Its - everyone is equally poor and have nothing. Except the party leaders f course who had everything. And those directors of those factories and other "people in charge". They had cars, better houses, better salaries and better food. While common people were extremely poor and had to wait in long lines for hours to get meat, milk and other food.

No private property and no business meant that people couldnt buy house, car. Many people lived with their parents and children in small room or plate for years, waiting for government to give them "free flat". Up to 8 people could live in 2 rooms flat.

So yes - communism is bad.



In any case, the example in TLOU is anarcho-communism
