MovieChat Forums > West Side Story (2021) Discussion > Steven Spielberg Refused to Use Subtitle...

Steven Spielberg Refused to Use Subtitles in ‘West Side Story’ and ‘Give English the Power Over Spanish’

Also talks about "Latinx cast". Most Latinos hate that word.

Steven Spielberg’s “West Side Story” has received universal acclaim, starting off awards season on a strong note with a National Board of Review win for Best Actress (and notching a spot on the group’s 10 best list) and a New York Film Critics Circle win for Best Cinematography. The director makes a key creative decision in the film not to subtitle any of the Spanish dialogue. While some could argue this choice leaves non-Spanish speakers out of the loop, Spielberg’s cast is so expressive that scenes in the film prove universal no matter what language they are spoken in. That effect was a driving point behind Spielberg’s decision.


Spielberg has become disappointing in his later years. The wokery is strong with him.

I miss the old days when he was the young, affable director that everyone liked who was turning out excellent film after excellent film. Now he's a lefty political crusader who has forgotten how to make a crowd pleaser and is becoming increasingly more divisive.


I think his last grate movie wuz catch me if u can


What I am thinking of is, if it's so powerful the expressions, why even use Spanish at all? Just have Mr. Bean-type speak and prove it by making it universally unknown to all.


The Minions did it.


This "West Side Story" solely exists to check boxes and for Spielberg to, late in life, try to level up with the easily damaged Gen Z crowd.


Spielberg's film version of "West Side Story'" is catered to the Gen Z Crowd. That's part of the purpose.




Who are you calling an elitist? Just curious.


As an English-speaking person who never learned a foreign language, the reason I like subtitles is I can know what is going on. Racism has nothing to do with it. Case closed!!!


You're right, as any rational person with a properly functioning brain can easily tell. But don't bother trying to reason with the woke. It's about as effective as administering medication to the dead.


Good point, kenburke. Thanks



Great comment with great points


If he didn't want to "give English power over Spanish" he could have simply added Spanish subtitles to the English dialogue.



So why have spoken dialogue at all? If the cast is so expressive that the scenes "prove universal" (I think I know what you're trying to say here), then eliminating all dialogue would make the film truly universal. It would be perfectly egalitarian. Right?

This was a very silly decision by an otherwise acclaimed director.


I'm not going to judge Spielberg's decision not to use subtitles for scenes in Spanish until I've actually seen the film. Right now there's a lot of speculative garbage out there. For instance, we are told "as much as 40% may be in Spanish." Did that guy who started that rumor have a stopwatch while viewing the film, timing every Spanish-only scene? I'm going to reserve judgement til I've seen it.


And I've now seen it and can say there is no "40% in Spanish". There are a few sentences here and there, most of which are translated into English immediately after. Towards this end, the character of Anita is useful as she keeps reminding the Puerto Ricans to speak English.
