MovieChat Forums > Legend (2015) Discussion > Yet another film seemingly glorifying ps...

Yet another film seemingly glorifying psychopathic criminals

Just seems totally crass to me. Particularly with the title 'Legend'. These people were extortionists, criminals and racketeers.

I shall avoid.


Got to say - it really does the opposite of glorify them, and the story is told through the perspective of a victim of their actions.



Just seems totally crass to me. Particularly with the title 'Legend'. These people were extortionists, criminals and racketeers.

You got that right----I'm only going to see it because Tom Hardy's in it (and o see him pull off a double role) but to call it "Legend"---what the hell? Nothing "legendary" about two dudes who were basically nothing but vicious as hell thugs and criminals. Saw the film THE KRAYS years and years ago, and thought it was pretty good---it would be interesting to compare the two films in their depictions of the Krays just to see which one is more realistic.

But the truth is, films have always glorified gangsters, and at the same time condemned them and shown them up for the thugs they are. And people still keep watching them anyway, because these films are entertaining as hell,lol.


The Krays weren't pychopaths, they were gentlemen. They are (mostly) fondly remembered in the east end. Not like todays so-called "gangsters" who shoot each other over a few quid of drug money.




they were definately not gentlemen! you sound like a family member who refuses to accept that fact that they were thugs, villians and idiots who were only held in esteem by those they intimidated, violated and abused.

Favorite film(s) so far this year:
The Revenant (2015) - 10/10




Gentlemen? Are you a *beep* psychopath yourself? How would you feel if they carved a smile into your face?


I agree with you, too much of that, and it is already having an effect of society at large. This sort of trash encourages some borderline people to actually develop respect for psychopaths.


They loved their mum, though, so they was alright in my book. Also, the streets was safe in them days, cos Ron and Reg done over anyone on their patch wot was out of order. People ad respect back then and never robbed their own, only them as deserved it, etc etc.



I think Legend was a clever title due to it's multiple meanings. You can't deny that the Krays have become a legend, otherwise we wouldn't still know about them - but can the title also be taken in the modern slang sense of 'greatness'. some people see the Krays as an unpleasant legend, but others see them as great



Sorry, bung; your premise is flaccid and invalid. It assumes truth where there is none and your attempt at intelligent discourse is pitiable, at best. What a sad lump of ignorant.


Then, by all means, avoid. No need to announce you won't see a movie. Literally no one cares and it doesn't further the conversations on conversation boards.


You're an idiot, the movie never shows the Krays as good people.

...but they hung him anyway.
Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.


At first i was upset over such an insane remark.Then i discovered it was blind ingnorence.The movies title is ment in an ironic/negativ title on how the looked on their self/wanted to be.But be sure there is nothing in this movie that in any way glorifying.They lived a life in their own hell ruining everything and everyone around them inkluding the one chance for the most sane brothers happiness.And finally their own future.Dont judge a movie blind by the title without even at lest know something about it.Ingnorance isn't alwas a bliss!


This film hardly glorified the Kray brothers.
