I really hope they don't resort to this tired cliché
Is the main boy going to get bullied? Don't you just love it when they use a cliché that's been done to death, for over 40 years!? I mean, I feel for anyone who's been bullied, but this cliché doesn't need to be in every goddamn movie that has a kid or a teen.
The only time I feel the whole "bullied kid/teen" thing actually worked and didn't come off as clichéd, was in The Karate Kid and it's many sequels. Everywhere else it's just tired and run of the mill. Honestly, it's the most stereotypical writing you could put in any family/kids movie.
The absolute worst example would be in the first Jumanji where not only is nothing done to take care of the bullying problem, but you could easily remove it from the movie and it would change nothing.