Anyone else find his scenes annoying? Especially when he's away from the rest of the main cast. He was quirky at first, but his constant presence gets kind of grating. Prefer him as a guest star, rather than him being a recurring cast member.
How Dare You? The Unmitigated Gall!! No, I'm just playing. I can sort of see it, but I like Rogelio as a character. All the world is truly a stage for him, and it's fun to see him learn humility, with his zany charismatic, at times way to self-involved, twist on the situation.
I love Rogelio, but the writing for him can be predictable and lazy. Such as him stage managing Jane's move into her new home. Or his OTT reactions to an English version of Santos. But worse, whenever there's a celebrity guest star, they use Rogelio to hype them up. Usually it's a guest star past their prime, and he has to act like they are the current superstar of the world. Also, his stuff feels very rushed. I saw Judy Reyes was back (Dina) and they just tossed off that they'd broken up. So when they went to L.A. I was waiting for them to hook up again - it made me tense. Basically, we should have seen the break up and why they broke up. Anyway, their writing for Rogelio needs to be less half-a&&ed.
I totally get it! I could do without him on every show. Every once in awhile he's funny but most the time he's just annoying. He's way too over-the-top.