MovieChat Forums > Heroes Reborn (2015) Discussion > Any clues to whom is the father?

Any clues to whom is the father?

Anyone notice any clues to whom is the father of Malina and Nathan/Tommy?

I tried to find a power link, yes not all powers in a family line are related, but its worth investigation.

Nathan/Tommy obviously has a similar ability to his great uncle Peter, who had empathic mimicry and later ability replication - that was limited to one power at a time, and his great-grandfather Arthur who had permanent ability absorption, so that explains him.

Malina has the ability to control the elements, at first glance it completely unrelated to any of her familys powers, so could that be a clue to who her father is? Maybe - but her great-great-grandfather Mr shaw had the power of seismic burst - possibly related to an earth or air related power? and her great-grandmothers sister Alice has the power to control the weather. Malina has already shown the ability to summon wind, and manipulate the northern lights, so her ability is a much much stronger ability related to her ancestors.

So theres still no proof of who her and Nathan's father is. Any ideas?


I can't make this skit up. it reads like illiterate fanfic:

Save the Cheerleader, Destroy the World
Claire recalls that, on June 5, 2012, Hammer and seven other evos were rescued from a lynch mob by Peter and Claude and deposited on the Highland Dream. Hammer was in bad shape when he came in, with a severe head wound and fractures in both of his legs. Because she just finished a Mike Hammer novel, Claire decided to call him "Hammer". On the fourth of July, Hammer left the infirmary for the first time since arriving on the ship. Hammer and Claire had their first kiss that night under the fireworks. Claire recalls that, in the days and weeks following that, Hammer got more and more moody. He would argue with Micah, Mohinder, Peter, and Claude, saying that they needed to be more proactive in their mission. One day, Hammer simply disappeared.

On September 27, 2013, Hammer reappears at Claire's sanctuary in Italy. They lovingly embrace and Claire shows him around the abbey. That night they make love under the stars and Tommy and Malina are conceived. By the time Claire wakes up, Hammer is already gone.

Hammer wears a heavy trenchcoat which Claire dislikes.
Hammer dislikes his nickname but allows it in exchange for calling Claire "Blondie".



LOL wut

'Save me, Barry!'


Except their real names are Nathan and .. well not Malina.

That's pretty baaaad fanfic as you point out.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


and it's Tim Kring Approved!!




It's probably Luke.
They are building up to some twist, and Luke spending so much time with Malina is to build a relationship beween them. Is as good explanation as any.

Most likely he will end up killing Joanne, and then be sent back because he can not go on in this world. He will meet Claire and get her preggo. Since Malina has the vauge power of elements it could be connected to Luke that has the power of sun..or whatever he has that hasn't manifested until now.

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about


Malina is an underage girl. Luke is Malina's protector, just like Farah was. That is all.


or you could read the thread and realize they gave it to us in a never mentioned novel, making the father some GaryStu proxy of the writer.

please hurt 'em


Possibly it could be Luke, but there's hardly any signs he knew Claire at all and was being unfaithful to his wife. It could even be Carlos, maybe he was with Claire before he went overseas. So far, they've been dodging that question on that show because Hiro is the only father Tommy/Nathan knows to be his and doesn't care to know the one who actually impregnated his mother.


did you see that link?

but hey, keep making sith up, it's still probably better than the OFFICIAL story.

Zeroes Rescorned

