6 languages??

Ben said that Bo speaks six languages and I'm just asking how can this be possible? Even if the parents spoke those languages, they should be proficient and able to teach them as well,which it doesn't sound realistic to me at all.
I know that the movie was trying to show that Ben and his wife were bringing up fully educated kids, but SIX languages is just too much..


When your parent are well educated, they can teach you anything. You wanted to see scenes of them learning 6 languages?

Way too overthink a movie 


I learned four languages on my own, mainly from books, movies and videogames, with no help from anyone, and I think I could've learned others if I had access to the materials back then. I see no problem with that.


For heaven's sake, it's just a movie.


Why are you answering then?


That was total BS!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


That was one of the most annoying things about the movie. Growing up bilingual (plus a local dialect) and having learned German and Spanish as an adult, it was a point of never-ending annoyance to me, that these kids living in a forest cut off from society could speak six languages.


I admire people who know many languages. An interesting and very controversial topic for research. I would advise you to pay attention to books that reveal his biography. Also, his twitter can be a very cool source in this case. Writing an essay correctly and so that it is filled with facts and arguments is not as easy as it seems. It is especially important in your essay to correctly write conclusions that will allow you to make a summary of everything written and constructively convey the main ideas to the reader. On the page https://edubirdie.com/blog/how-to-write-essay-conclusion you can find very useful and practical information to help you write your conclusions competently.


This is quite possible if you have the ability to do so. Here is a very interesting article on this topic https://educhill.com/essay-samples/language-acquisition-heories/, read it when you have a chance.
